Today is my birthday!
Im 18 from now!! :D

Have a nice day~
I haven't talk about my new calendar ! :O

so take a look! finally in my hand x)

And I have bought the DN Angel 13 today and I read it fast!
Good Day!!
We ate on a japanese restaurant !!
very yummy ドキドキ

I have make some mistakes (-_\)(/_-)三( ゚Д゚)
It was not a lipstick! kekekeke


kekeke today was great !! I was shopping with my Twin and we finally found her a beatifull dress ! really cute! Will upload soon~~

Then, I have bought DN Angel vol.11 !! woow must read!

OKay, now I am going to bed :P
Good night (@ ̄ρ ̄@)zzzz

Last week I watched a programm about Kpop wave and Korea! It was really interesting but too short! Samsung is very big corporation! Did the korean know the name of hollydays? \(゜□゜)/
I see SHINee many times ! But they did a big mistake! They have named Key as Minho! ( °д°) kekeke

I take a few selcas :3