ニュースアプリ と ゲームアプリ と スマホハード戦国時代か?

DeNA、オタ向けニュースアプリ「ハッカドール」公開 トリガー制作のアニメPVも公開
Anime PV DeNA, OTA ??news for apps "mint Doll" public trigger production also published

I've published news app DeNA has specialized in information for geeks such as anime and manga the "mint doll". It is a mint doll, which has been a hot topic a little teaser site is up, but - hey news app indeed. Promotional video by trigger production has also been published to YouTube.

By users have to answer a few simple questions, the main function to guess the news of his favorite people, it is of delivering it by 25 in the morning Hill night articles perfect for users. Automatically learns the preferences each time you use the app, for us to delivered Erisugu~tsu further article also features.

Also equipped with interesting features that end card or seen and read at least five articles, his "ingredient list" or seen from the tendency of the article I read, and or have collection features the badge, it does not just deliver the news have. I want you to appear more official character "mint Doll No. 1," "mint Doll No. 2," "mint Doll No. 3" also appeared often in the app, but because I'm pretty much trouble ...!
DeNA、オタ向けニュースアプリ「ハッカドール」公開 トリガー制作のアニメPVも公開



ゲームアプリメモ スマホゲーム戦線、戦国時代の様相 ガンホーなどが急伸
Aspects such as Gung Ho Sumahogemu Front, in the Warring States era surged

Of mobile phones and smartphone game "leading role" companies are swapped. The steadily decline of (decline), male former, DeNA and Gree overtook companies was lower skip hit. It is aspects of the Warring States period that new entrants aiming for get-rich-quick also continued, repeating the Gekokujo.

The 13th, Yoshikazu Tanaka, president of the game leading glee was emphasized that "there is telling the game that was out recently, now is the bottom," said at the closing press conference. However, sales of the (full-year) sales decreased for the second consecutive year and 125.5 billion yen of 17-5% year-on-year in June Fiscal 2014 was announced this day. July-September period also expect the same 26-down 4%, brakes are not applied to the decline.

Glee was rapid growth in mobile phones traditional games such as "exploration Dorirando", but was delayed corresponding to the smartphone that spread rapidly. Began a new service of 5, such as searching for and nursing homes just before Hotel Reservations from May, but the time is likely to take to grow revenue streams.

DeNA also rush to diversify, such as e-comics and magazines genetic testing services. However, the slump in the game is sound, sales in the period April to June 2002 was reduced 30% compared to the same period last year. Moriyasu Isao president admits "putting out a hit in the game is a must," said To invert.

It's Gung Ho Online Entertainment It was held a leading role "Puzzle & Dragons" is a big hit. A consolidated subsidiary of Softbank, sales bulge to six times the previous year last year, Pazudora earned its more than 90%. There are also signs of decline in the performance of the newest, and "aims to acquire the new layer", Kazuki Morishita president to focus on expansion in China and beginners.

Mixi user of the social networking site has decreased also, was revived in October last year released "Monster Strike". Accounted for 80% of sales, sales in April-June period's six times in the same period last year.

In '08 founded, hits such as "With the black cat and quiz RPG Wizard" is after another also COLOPL which was changed to the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange from the Tokyo Stock Exchange Mothers in April this year a listing destination, you have surged in the game devoted.

You can play for free basically game of each company, but if you want to charge for extension of the game and get the character to proceed advantageously in many cases, it's a source of income. The status quo to grasp a lot of money if you hit one installment, new entrants also unending.

The 6th, LINE free interactive app announced that invest 10 billion yen up to, such as game development venture. Foreigners also aim to "Gung Ho of the second" in the new game one after another.

Rapid expansion of the market are also expected. According to the smartphone advertising company CyberZ, market size of East Asia amounted to 916.8 billion yen of two-fold year-on-year to 13 years, and that's momentum in excess of 2 trillion yen in '17. Unplug the United States in 13 at the end of the year sales of app-related, such as games, Japan became the world's best.
スマホゲーム戦線、戦国時代の様相 ガンホーなどが急伸







 08年設立で、上場先を今年4月に東証マザーズから東証1部に変更したコロプラも「クイズRPG 魔法使いと黒猫のウィズ」などのヒット作が相次ぎ、ゲーム一筋で急伸している。



<中国スマホ>「格安」武器にシェア拡大 先進国にも攻勢

The offensive also share developed countries in the "cheap" weapon

In the smartphone market of Beijing, Ide Shinpei] world, the share of Chinese manufacturers are expanding. According to the research firm IDC, while Apple in second place and South Korea Samsung Electronics premier lost their market share, leading China "Lenovo April-June period this year," Huawei Technologies (Huawei) ", (Lenovo) two companies "has grown significantly. Sales began in Japan, it has been adopted cheap communication charges also "cheap smartphone", you are trying to increase the presence in developed markets.

Samsung Electronics has announced a new model [focus on wearable terminal]

The mobile phone dealer in Beijing city, smartphone Huawei, Lenovo has been sold 799 yuan (about 13,500 yen). In about 2800 yuan in the latest model, about half "iPhone (iPhone)" of Apple to more than 5000 yuan. It is the fastest growing in the design that young people received "small rice Technology (Hsiao Mi)" is also emerging manufacturers in China.

According to IDC, smartphone shipments in the world of April-June period, was a record high in the quarter 300 million 1.3 million 23.1% year-on-year and (determined value). However, the share of Samsung 7 points, Apple 1.1 point decline. In contrast, Huawei increased 95% from the same period last year, Lenovo is about 40% shipments, market share (reported basis both) 2.6 points, respectively, was 0.7 percentage points higher. Seen and that it was adopted prior to the developed countries a cheap semiconductor parts of the Made in Taiwan, and with reduced price while maintaining the function, that it has a foothold in the Chinese market, which accounts for about 40% of world shipments have contributed. Growth in India and Southeast Asia, in the Middle East also increase, as a result of Internet sales terminal of about 23,000 yen about, Hsiao Mi which entered the Indian market in July, was sold out in 2.4 seconds 20 000 units.

I aim also expand into developed countries. January, Lenovo announced the acquisition of American mobile giant Motorola Mobility. By using the company's brand, and cut into Western markets. In Japan, such as Bic Camera to deploy cheap smartphone is, adopting the China manufacturers. There is a possibility that the popularity of the cheap smartphone Achieving greater sales of Chinese manufacturers is extended in Japan.

Once, were deprived of their profits and market in China bias of low-cost LCD TVs and personal computers electronics manufacturers in developed countries. Concern "smartphone business also could follow the same way low-price competition if the full-scale" and has begun to take on reality.
<中国スマホ>「格安」武器にシェア拡大 先進国にも攻勢





