Searching for a next great coach | BEL☆グローバル人材育成コーチング


元外資系製薬会社研究員TOEIC965 英語コーチがアメリカから帰国☆外資系企業専門英会話レッスン⭐︎グローバル企業リーダー研修☆異文化コミュニケーション⭐︎自分軸を持って輝かしい人生を送るマインド⭐︎中1長女英検1級⭐︎小4女英検凖2級

Although I haven't got the result of the previous TOEIC test, I'm searching for a next coach to lead me the next stage as fast as possible. Candidates are as follows.


片桐美穂子 英語コーチ


ミツイ直子 英語コーチ


One of the reasons why I chose the previous coach is that the one is a man. When it comes to coaching, it is very important to keep yourself steady. Women themselves have jealous from their natures. So I looked for a male coach and encountered a special one! Now that I need to step forward in a way of not only English skill but also life coaching skill, I'm looking for someone specialized in both English and lifecoaching.  Above candidates are obviously females but both posses high quality of English skill besides a well-advanced coaching certicicate. So I'm thinking of taking a trial session for either candidate soon to find out she would suit me or not. So far I've got a feeling that I can get along with someone whose character is opposite to mine as far as a coaching session is concerned. We'll see. I'l let you know when I decide who to choose!