ユチョンのメッセージ & Birthday BookのQ&A | 毎日がJaejoong

ユチョンのメッセージ & Birthday BookのQ&A




Everyone.. be happy!
Always and no matter what.
Everyone, I feel complete with your smiles ♥♥
I will work hard”er”♥
“Always Keep The Faith”





“Always Keep The Faith"




What did you do today?         今日何してた?
I washed my car                 僕の車を洗ってた

What do you do in your free time?  暇な時何してる?
Random mumblings                いいかげんなことぶつぶつ言ってる

Your travel route?             旅行のルートは?            
Going to Japan frequently            しょっちゅう日本へ行くこと

What is the exercise you have been doing a lot lately?  最近がんばってるエクササイズは?
Breathing exercises                               呼吸法エクササイズ

What is your sleeping habit?      寝る時の習慣は?
Why do you want to know for?        なんでそんなこと知りたいの?

What is your IQ?             あなたのIQはいくつ?
I think it is in the negative numbers    残念な数字だと思うよ

What do you hate most?        一番嫌いなものは何?
Needles and dust                針とほこり

What do you want to eat?       何を食べたい?
Radish kimchi noodles             カクテキ入り麺(こんなのある?よくわかりません)

What is your best dish?        あなたにとって一番の料理は何?
Fried eggs                    目玉焼き

Your favourite actress is Kim Tae Hee?    あなたが一番好きな女優はキム・テヒ?
It will always be Kim Tae Hee               いつだってキム・テヒ

What do you look for in appearances?      容貌で期待するのはどんなこと?
First impression                         第一印象

Do you like older women?       年上の女性は好き?
Suitable older women              そこそこお似合いの年上なら

How about younger girls?       若い娘はどう?
Girls nowadays…                今時の女の子は・・・

When are we pretty?          どんな時私たち可愛いかな?

Always                      いつもだよ

Will you only look at me?       私だけ見つめてくれる?
That is a bit too greedy            ちょっとばかりずうずうしくない?

The person you treasure most?    一番大切にしている人は誰?
Each other                     お互いに

What are you known for in your family?     家族の中ではどんな風に思われている?
Ability to nag                           小言屋

Do you like games?  ゲームは好き?
Quite, recently        ここのところはまってる

Your recent favourite song?     最近のお気に入りの曲は?
Ryoo Jaeho’s songs.             Ryoo Jaehoの曲

How many songs do you have in your MP?   あなたのMPには何曲入っている?
25,000 songs                           25000曲

Any books you have been reading lately?    最近何か本は読んでいる?
I’ve been reading scripts                    ずっと台本を読んでいる

Do you bathe frequently?        しょっちゅうお風呂に入る?
Do you?                       君はどう?

Is your underwear boxer shorts?     下着はボクサーショーツ?
Tight-fitting boxer shorts              ぴちぴちボクサーショーツ

The secret to your milky skin?    ミルキースキンの秘訣は?

Smiling frequently                しょっちゅうほほ笑むこと

Do you often look into the mirror?      鏡をよく見る?
Only when I am out                    外出する時だけ

What you are most confident of?       一番自信のあることは?
My wide forehead                     広いおでこ

Where do you shop?        どんな所で買い物するの?
Recently in Japan             近頃は日本でかな

Why do you like flip-flops?       どうしてビーサンが好きなの?
It’s cooling for my feet              足が涼しいから

Type of red wine you recommend?     お勧めの赤ワインは?
As long as you drink it, it’s all alcohol       ずっと飲み続けたらアルコールに変わりはないさ

Who were you in your previous life?     前世では誰だった?
I was illegitimate                      私生児

If you were a woman?            もし女性だったら?
I would be murdered a lot of times…       しょっちゅう殺されてるだろうな・・・     

Any place where you can be alone?     ひとりでいられる場所はどこ?
Half-baths are good                    半身浴(かな?)がお気に入り

How old are you Yoochun?      ユチョン、何歳?
Shall I let you see my identity card?    身分証明書を見せてあげようか?

Your dream when you were younger?       小さい頃の夢は何?
The place where Turbo sang (The group Kim Jung Kuk was from previously) Turboが歌った場所(Kim 
Is this questionnaire meaningful?  この質問票は有意義でしょうか?
I’m sleepy                     眠いよ

Are you happy now?          今幸せ?
Very happy                   すごく幸せ

What are your plans this year?      今年の計画は?
I’ll be very busy?                   すごく忙しくなる?

How will I be like in 5 years?      五年のうちに私はどんな風になる?
Probably enlisted into the army?         多分軍隊に徴兵される?

Who are the fans to you?        あなたにとってファンとは?
How do I say…thank you            なんて言ったら良いか・・・ありがとう

Any last words?         最後の言葉は?
I’ll say it next year...         来年言うよ

