
クソガキもファッキューとかGo back ya country とかって叫んできた。







I met lots of nice people except few brutal people. One day, wandering Acukland, crazy guys threw an orange at us from a car. I got upset, so I was to have thrown it at them, but they had gone away soon. My friend was thrown a raw egg, and Even fuck'n spring chicken mocked us.

I went surfing, and waves were small. There is not so many people surfing.

After getting into the sea, I realised that There had been someone I hate because of his atittude toward me, but I did not care, trying caching one wave, and then He yelled at me from the inside that おい!!. I did not wanna give way to him, but I did although He could not catch it.,,,, To my surprise, this guy blamed me for being unable to catch the wave..bullshit!!!!!!!!!!!

I always respect local surfer, not chatching the too much waves. However, what I was sure was that He was not local surfer. No he is not even surfer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I redecorated my room for a change this morning. I was not able to calm for desk was beside window. therefore, I remove it to biside the wall, and I finally turned TV out of the room!!!!!because I had been always turning on the TV I was commited to doing that.

I hope I can concentrate on study.





I went to Nagoya to see my friend Today by using my parents's car. It was a day trip even though Nagoya was pretty far from Kyoto. Farthermore, I didi not use highway in such a way as to save costs. Well, It took some 4 hours and a half to get Nagoya In asmachas I got lost although the car had a navication.

So, by the time I got to there, I had been already tired out,,,,,,any way not having seen my friend for longtime, I was happy to see him.

Only having stayed there for 4hours, I went back home.

I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo exhausted.

good night.




ニュージーランドにはベジマイトっていうパンに塗って食べるペースト状の食べ物があるんだけど、多くのアジア人はそれが苦手な人が多いらいんだけど、俺大好きなんだ。見た目はまさにペースト状のチョコレート 。イースト酵母の入ったものらしくて、栄養がすごくあるみたい。問題の味はというと、すごく独特な味かなあ。しいて言うなら味噌かな~。



Vegimite, popular food in New Zealand, eaten with bread, is unpopular for Asian peple , because it is distinctive taste, and has a strong smell for Asian people all the same , I like It. My friends say that I have crazy taste. 
It looks like exactly chocolate paste.Including Yeast, It is very nutritious.

I think It tastes like Miso?

At first, I felt weired, eating Vegimite, but It turns on me day by day.

If oppotunity arises, please try It.






I applied for TOEIC today to take exam in Marcn. According to the news, the way of TOEIC test will change from May , so I decided to take it before changing so that I can get good score. It is not easy though.

Actually, I have not studied for exam recently, but to train my reading skill. I check website as much as possible , such as BBC . However, It is not easy to read the news. The odds are that I only understand 40% of It.

I also wanna try taking Eiken oneday. If I took it I would take 準1級.

With reference to TOEIC, I can not stop taking it until I get over 800 score!!!!

Any way Whatever I take have got to conquer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




I went to Kawaramachi to buy a bag today. Speaking of Kyoto, kyoto is one of the most histrical city , and International City, remaining lots of histrical buildings, coming lots of foreigners.

Because I had not been there since going on School trip, I really enjoyed being there, and Kyoto was wonderfully relaxing.

In Daimaru,I found two kind of bagsI wanted to buy . One was black, and other was brown.

I had difficulty chosing one because both were so nice to me. but all in all, I chose black one.



Being away from the beach for a month, I wanna go surfing to death,,,,,,. I am backward- looking these day.
I caught plenty of perfect waves, making my surfing skill improve. Staying New Zealand, I challanged to catch the big waves in M. Some reef spots were so nice.

I am not sure If I can stand not going surfing until getting a car.I wonder until when I am not be able to go surfing. If only I had surfing mates...

Taking me to the beach---------!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

俺はVideo I Pod 持ってるんだけど、こいつはやばいね!まじで手放せないよ。


Pod Castにはたくさん英語学習に適したのがあって本当助かります。俺は英語ニュースを聞いたり、好きなサッカーのレポート、サーフィンレポートをI Pod にいれて寝るとき、勉強中、出かける前なんかに聞いてる。






I met variety of friends while in New Zealand which nationality and sex were no matter.

Especially I hang out with Korean, teaching them how to surf, having a party together. Sometimes they provided me with Korean food.

Most of the Japanese friends I met in New Zealand were surfer as I love surfing. We were able to empathize the same thing.

The picture attached on this blog was taken just before going back to Japan.I feel so sad as I see this picture, because even if we wanted It would be impossible to get together.

This reminded me about importance of meeting people.

Life is one time. Every day We should enjoy and do ou best.