



It’s been a while since I wrote my last blog. I am very busy right now, because it’s my son’s summer vacation. I have lots of extra work to do and although I may not be writing, I am losing weight. I don’t know how much I weigh because I haven’t checked it, but many people are saying I am looking thinner. Today, I will tell you what inspired me and what I am doing at the moment.





On July 24th, which is my birthday, a high school student visited our school. He used to attend our school and was a little chubby. I was surprised when I saw him, because he was much thinner than before. When I saw him a couple months ago, he wasn’t like that. He must have lost a lot of weight over a really short period of time. He told me he hadn’t eaten dinner for more than a month and has now gotten used to it. His rules are not very strict. Let me elaborate on that, when he really wants to eat something, he eats a little. He isn’t going to check his weight until the end of summer. I agree with the no weighing rule. I always feel we should focus on how we look and feel more than the number that pops up when we weigh ourselves, but above all our health is paramount.




The next day, I tried to mimic his eating habits by not eating dinner, but I ended up being too hungry to sleep.  I tend to quit things relatively easily, and the busy schedule I have at the moment only exacerbates those feelings and thus I decided to eat salad or fruits for dinner instead of nothing at all. I also eat whatever I want when I go out with friends. It’s been almost a month. I don’t think this new diet is particularly hard and I’m sticking to it comfortably.





I heard that a group of mice who eat only small potions of food live longer than a group with normal potion sizes. I’m sure the same thing happens for human. Now I feel I am lighter and healthier. My skin condition is better too. The student ‘s visit was my best birthday present this year.








Exacerbate:          悪化させる

「I tend to quit things relatively easily, and the busy schedule I have at the moment only exacerbates those feelings」

「I have sore legs from gardening, and dancing during my lessons exacerbates that pain」


Paramount:         最も重要             

「paramount importance」という言い方も結構使われています

「but above all our health is paramount」

「staying on schedule is paramount to ensure extra costs are avoided」


Elaborate:            凝らす

「let me elaborate on that」

「if you elaborate on your story a bit more then I might understand」



If you are interested in English lesson in MIRAI school, you can learn more from here.


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If you are interested about a raw food diet or the lesson, you can learn more from here.


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MIRAI磐田校 ローフードレッスン