Our company will close on 30th Nov due to business transfer.

Today, it is the last day for me to come to our company.

I have been working here for almost 4years.

To be blunt, it was a kind of painful in my life experience.

From 1st Dec., I will be transfered to new company. But I did not want to go to new company since it is not good in terms of business ethic.

I will do look for new field to brush up myself.

Tokyo Korean High school, I graduated, won the final of all Japan rugby championship Tokyo preliminary.

It is historic achievement.

In 1994, Korean highschol could attend official game and it has past 20years.


Official announcement has not been released as of 14th October, today.

My respecting female told me the situation and today, one of former collegue called me to talk about the future.

I have been seeking new place since I gave up on a company due to too law level of general people.

I am looking for new field and should hurry up moving to new field.