ad:tech Tokyo 2010とアプリコンテスト | サイバーエージェント 公式エンジニアブログ


 今回も2本だて、先日行われたad:tech Tokyo(および、弊社出展ブース)の様子と、9月に発表のあった第2回アプリコンテストの紹介です(*)。

 1本目はad:tech Tokyo。弊社の古株エンジニアT.W.が出展ブースの様子とカンファレンス内容を概説しています。

 T.W.は私が入社してからしばらく(そしてかなり長期に渡って)一緒に仕事をしていた戦友で、現在、広告効果検証システム CAMP ( Cyber Agent Marketing Platform )のシステム責任者です。
 当時はまさしく戦場というのにふさわしい状況で、ちなみにT.W.は当時、結石になって救急車で運ばれた翌日に深夜メンテナンスのために出勤したという伝説もある男なのですが、趣味はITとは関係なく、釣りと猫の世話。なんとなく「いずる 」氏に似てますね。二人とも、公言する好きなもの以外に「めまぐるしい忙しさ」「非平穏」があるのは、いい加減認めて欲しい所です。

 えーと、ブログの内容...そうですね、グループ会社ECナビさんのブログエントリ にも既に紹介があるので、そちらもご参考にしていただければと思います。私として一番気になる事は、「CAMP NOODLE」がまだ残っているかどうか、M.S.の取り分はあるのか、ということです。ここ半年ぐらい、お昼は週3回、辛(シン)ラーメンを食べる生活が続いているので...。



Hello, folks.

We will post the two blog articles as well as last week. One is about 'ad:tech' Tokyo conference, and another is about 2nd Software Contest.

Well...1st article is, as I mentioned above , about 'ad:tech Tokyo'. The veteran engineer T.W. wrote a lot about the contents of this conference as well as our booth. T.W. is now in charge of CAMP system which can measure an efficiency of Internet Ad in a low cost and good quality. He worked with me for a long time since I entered this company. I can say the time when he worked with me is a miserable time for engineers because of heavy workload. It is like battleground. We worked more than 16hr a day.

There is one legendary story about him. One day he suddenly had severe gallstone, and was picked by ambulance to the hospital. However, he went to the company for service maintenance next day. Can you believe that ? Actually his interests and hobbies have nothing to do with any IT technologies. He likes to breed a cat. He likes fishing, too. I think he should notice that he likes to do everlasting heavy workload and a lot of tasks.

Well...I should write more about his report about ad:tech, shouldn't I ? Ok. You can confirm it at the blog entry written by one group company's EC-Navi engineer.

All I would like to know about that conference is about CAMP NOODLE. It is instant rice noodle like maruchan. I want to know they have leftover noodles, and I can get these leftovers.
It is very importanlt for me, because I usually eat famous Korean spicy noodle Shin Ramyun more than third a week.

By the way, I'm sure some engineers don't satisfied with previous articles in a few month, because the topics (of these blogs) are not technology but organization and IT conference report.
We have a plan to post a lot of technical blog articles for you next month. Please wait a moment.

Ok, please check his article.