


Forest days, count your the child luck buddy still perform, next time do not really pay protection fees not necessarily punch the legs factor. "Huge facing the high days spit a the actual mouth spittle vicious Street.Go, he finished a trend, walk away with a new gang of henchmen.After a moment the particular forest days lying on the floor with both hands keep Taishou to see Huge population group to have gone, spit the mouth bloody spittle Road: "scum, and other developed Xiao Ye, the first off An individual. "Patted the dust, Lin limping walked for the water's edge."Today has been labeled as such, home to the mother the best way to explain it. "Lin days watching the stream purple blue face anguish Road.His name is Lin Tian Qingfeng village village after Qingfeng town since admitted with raises the bar in, at home, everyone is proud of him because enrollment of the first a couple of years is nothing, not in the third year when understand how to engage, Rattus those people, eyeing.Stopping to take him protection money daily, the children of his village 30 days is more than twenty dollars for meals, how can there possibly be excess food money to settle it."Are we going to wait for next month in your home, but do not get home today if I will not be out of food."Well, if you ask the mom said rain smooth mountain road to fall.Forest water consumption to be able to mercilessly wipe my confront, got up and walked in front after the direction in the village.Just beating stamina wouldn't come up, crawling quiet small mountain music to have the biting pain, Lin Tian bite this bullet walked slowly to the village after.Bang...A thunder across this sky, at the summit of the sky, with a deafening Leiyin show the earth it's great."God, you are kidding. ""I just said which rain which rain, too much to encounter it. "Lin Tian looked your overcast sky anguish Road, or just a sunlit, cloudless it.