ポケットから一言、フィル君の日記 philip gayle's pocket diary -24ページ目

poem #2 December 4th, 2005, around 9 PM....

Aint Lookin' Back No More

i await among the sullen frames of a city
born from the hands of strain and hunger

i await among the fresh fleet-footed wonder
of youth not yet impregnated with fear nor anger

i await among the ripened faces at the market
under a pointed skyline at dusk

i await through dawn and through the day and
through the drop of the dwindling sun into dark

i await through the weaving sputter of industry
and mutter of busy figures
diving in and out of their daily clutter

i await through the serene cold silence piercing
the bold dead pages bound in books made of flesh

i await among the praying sparrows
taking cover from the snow on window sills of pain

i await among the ringing sound of hammered strings
like those suspending steel and concrete
above surrounding waters singing

i await inside myself among songs that vibrate
through sleep and awakening and pen and paper
and dreams wandering

i await outside looking in........
but not turning around, staying still.......
so as not to awake the tired, young sparrows
patiently awaiting the same warmth as i....

East Village, NYC 2005-12-04, 8-9 PM ⓒ2005 philip gayle


just for you

if i were to give you something
it would be nothing

so that everything
would be before you

and anything
could be....

East Village 2005-12-04 around 8 pm ⓒphilip gayle 2005

Sunday In East Village....New poem....

Well, what a long day....i took my exam, went straight to East Village to meet my friend Akio who went to see a gig while i wrote poems at a cool place called Cha-An. I love this place. I don't drink coffee, and they have teas from all over the world. I was there for at least two hours writing. The food is also great. Check them out if you have a chance: www.cha-an.com
anyway, i wrote three new poems tonight.....all in English...I will post them after this. So, Akio came back from his gig and i met him at McSorley's which has been around since 1854 and hasn't changed much...i assume...i'm not that old!!!! He told me he enjoyed the gig and met some people that I "indirectly" introduced him to. I actually recommended that he go, and i am glad he enjoyed it...so we met this poet who works there (at McSorley's), great guy named Geoffrey Bartholomew. His poems are amazing! I told him i write also and we traded (my latest CD for his book of poetry)....we signed each others work, and he treated us to a few beers. Then!, I was picked up by my friend Mike at around midnight at 2nd Ave. and 7th St. and he drove me and my droopiness back to Astoria and i helped him move stuff into his apt., again. I am happy to do it, for he's a good new friend of mine. He's also a musician and i will introduce him properly later on....To make a long story short, why don't i just post those poems....i will talk about the exam tomorrow.....too long of a day...i didn't sleep last night. Why, i don't know......i am still in the writing mode, so maybe i will write through the morning....time for a smoke......

Another Day...

I hope everyone is having a great weekend! The weather is great today even though it's cold. It's not too cold though. I am drinking hot tea and writing, finishing some work. Later on, I will help my friend Mike move into his new apt., and then will eat a big meal at a nearby restaurant. Tomorrow I will go to Columbia University to take a big exam. It's for certification of Japanese Level 1 (highest level). After my exam, I will meet up with my friends Akio and Shinobu for dinner in the East Village. They are from Nagoya and have been here for a long time. I met Akio about 15 years ago at a gig in Kichijoji.....long time ago! We reunited at the Big Sur Experimental Music Festival in 2000. What surprise that was!













  クイーンズ 2005年11月24日 ⓒ2005 philp gayle

Another Comment from an old friend! Chari!

よく渋谷のLaMamaへハバナのライブを観に行っていた。色々危ない事したな、僕。若かったな。そういえば、この間、NYCにあるBook Offにハバナの「Loveが大事」が置いてあった!懐かしいな〜。楽しいバンドだったよ。僕はChariさんと色んなバンドの仲間達と、中野にある哲学堂公園で野球したり花見したりしていた。かなり懐かしいな~!皆さんは元気にしているのかな?チャリさんもkeep in touch!してね!子供さんも会ってみたいな~!よろしく!
I heard from Chari, a friend of mine from Tokyo and the former drummer for Havana Exotica. They disbanded several years ago and now, Sugar and Yumiko have the band called Buffalo Daughter. I think they play in the States sometimes. I was surprised when i saw Havana Exotica's debut CD at Book Off in NYC. Chari and a bunch of us band people used to play baseball at Testugakudou in Nakano (West Tokyo) and would enjoy the cherry blossoms at night after games, laughing, acting crazy, drinking beer and sake, and eating good food! I miss a lot of people from those days. Let's all meet again sometime!!!! Speaking of Tetsugakudou, I used to go there to read and write.

Today In NYC....

The sky breathes Winter through the air. It is sunny. It is cloudy. A little windy. Nice day. Maybe i will go outside and breathe a little bit. I played guitar for 4 hours and slept a couple of hours. I may take a walk to the park by the East River in Astoria. The Isamu Noguchi Museum is near there and the park by the water is the Socrates Sculpture Park. That area has inspired some poems......I hope everyone has a peaceful and happy day!!!! Thank you all for reading my blog!

Hiroya Miura

Miura Hiroya

My Friend, Hiroya Miura-san

三浦寛也さんは現代音楽の作曲家で、翻訳の仕事で知り合ったんですけど、今はメイン州のBates Collegeで教授しています。僕達は似ているところがいっぱいあって、共通点もそうなんですけどね、けっこう二人でいるととんでもない冗談を言ったりとか言葉遊びをしてしまう。寛也さんはいい友達さ。
Hiroya is my good friend and composer. He now teaches at Bates College in Maine. We met through a translation project, but have a lot in common and have become good friends. His piece will be performed at Miller Theater in Columbia University on Dec. 7th. I hope some of you can make it. His music is brilliant.


watching the evening melt into morning.....this kitchen window seems to be my skyglasses....the stillness of early morning brings warmth.....my eyes open and close to the same darkness.....sleep or no sleep....i have sound.....i have silence.....i have something.... else ......somewhere.....but i close my eyes to not be able to find it....this i cannot control now....
there is something out of my reach that will make me warm.........it is in the sky.....
it is here.....it is there.....my friend.....you are here.....whether you like it or not.....
yet, i cannot feel you....just the cold wind......bringing chimes through the kitchen window....into
an empty shell....not from the ocean.....from some firmament.....somewhere.....opposite directions.....sometimes lead back to the same place...... but this may be an illusion......
nyc 12-02-05, 4 am....
ⓒ2005 philip gayle