トーマス・スウォレズ「12歳のアプリ開発者」 | TEDのすゝめ ( TED 英語 スーパープレゼンテーション 洋楽 映画 スポーツ )

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トーマス・スウォレズ 「12歳のiPhoneアプリ開発者」
Thomas Suarez: A 12-year-old app developer

トーマス・スウォレズくんは 12歳、日本でいうと小学6年生でしょうか。コンピュータに興味があって、自分で勉強して、アプリをつくっちゃいました。例として2つ"Earth Fortune" と"Bustin Jieber" をあげています。カナダのアイドル歌手 Justin Bieber さんの J と B を入れ替えたネーミングの「もぐらたたきゲーム(Whac-a-mole)」ですね。

【話題】 12歳のアプリ開発者
【時間】 4分34秒



 ① 基礎を学ぶ(Python, C, Javaなど)
 ② アイフォンのソフトウェア開発キット
 ③ アップ・ストアで販売
 ④ 両親、友達、教師、アップ・ストアの応援
 ⑤ スティーブ・ジョブズの影響

 ① アプリ・クラブ
 ② iPad パイレーツ・プログラム


 ① もっと多くのアプリを開発したい
 ② アンドロイド用にも
 ③ アプリ・クラブの継続とその他のシェアの方法も考える


I always have a fascination for computers and technology, and I made a few apps for the iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad. I would like to share a couple with you today.

My first step was a unique fortune teller called "Earth Fortune" that displays different colors of earth depending on what your fortune was.

My favourite and the most successful app is "Bustin Jieber" which is a "Justin Bieber whac-a-mole". I created it because a lot of people at school disliked Justin Bieber little bit. So, I decided to make the app. So I went to work programming it and I released it just before the holidays in 2010.

A lot of people ask me how did I make these? A lot of times it's because the person who ask the question wants to make apps also. A lot of kids these days like to play games, but now they want to make them. And it's difficult because not many kids know where to go to find out how to make a program. I mean for soccer you could go to a soccer team. For violin you could get lessons for a violin. But what if you want to make an app? And their parents... the kids' parents might have done these things when they were young, not many parents have written apps.

Where do you go to find out how to make an app. Well, this is how I approached it. This is what I did. First of all, I’ve been programming in multiple… other programming languages just to get the basics down, such as Python, C, Java, etc. And then Apple released the iPhone, and with it the iPhone Software Development Kit. And the Software Development Kit is a suite of tools for creating and programming an iPhone app. This opened up to a whole new world of possibilities for me. After playing with the Software Development Kit a little bit, I made a couple apps, I made some test apps, one of them happened to be Earth Fortune, I was ready to put Earth Fortune on the App Store, and so I persuaded my parents to pay the $99-fee to be able to put my apps on the App Store. They agreed and now I have my apps on the App Store.

I’ve gotten a lot of interest and encouragement from my family, friends, teachers, and even a people at the App Store. That’s been a huge help to me. I’ve got a lot of inspirations from Steve Jobs.

Now I started App Club at school. And a teacher in my school is kindly sponsoring my App Club. Any student at my school can come and design, learn how to design an app. This is so I can share my experiences with others. There is these programs called the iPad Pirate Program and some districts have them. I’m fortunate enough to be part of one. A big challenge is how should the iPads be used, and what app should we put on the iPads. So we’re getting feedback from teachers at the school to see what kind of apps they’d like. When we design the app and when we sell it, it would be free to local districts and other districts that would be sell to, all the money from that are going to local Ed foundation.

These days, students usually know a little bit more than teachers with the technology. So…sorry. So this is a resource to teachers. And educators should recognize this resource and make good use of it.

I’d like to finish up by saying what I’d like to do in the future. First of all, I’d like to create more apps, more games. I’m working with the third party company to make an app. I’d like to get into Android programming and development. And I’d like to continue my App Club, and find other ways for students to share knowledge with others. 

Thank you.