[ASK IDOL] という企画で

 [ASK IDOL] JAEJOONG Responds to KPOPPlanet

Nov 19, 2013 ~ Dec 06, 2013
  [Jaejoong Have Answered!]
First of all, thank you for your patience in waiting for Jaejoong’s response!

We carried out a special event called [Ask Your Idol: Ask JAEJOONG], where we chose the 15 questions fifteen questions from all posts with more than ten hearts ‘♥’, so fans can ask questions and get direct answers.

Jaejoong was kind enough to take a moment out of his busy schedule (from his endless concerts!) to answer the selected questions for KPOPPlanet.

Also, he took time to read other questions we sent him to read as well! (As one of you requested we sent him all the other questions that weren’t selected, to show him how much of his fans support him)

Well, enjoy!


Q 1 (KPOPPlanet, Korea) : Your recent solo album <WWW> activities and tour concerts were very impressive! Is there anything you want to share with us about your album or the tour?

I was nervous about bringing new music to the fans, worried that they might feel awkward and different towards it. Unexpectedly, many people love my music, which I am very thankful for! Also, it was great to feel that I gained more male fans through this album, haha!  ^^


Q 2  (Lydia, USA) : In the pictures for your latest album there were many tattoos drawn on your body; was there any meaning behind them?

For my first mini solo album I, I expressed rock with accessories, hair styles… you know, the basic styling an artist can do. This time, I tried the tattoo to share just the right message of this full studio album, which has a dynamic feeling to it.


Q 3 (Hannah, Vietnam) : Among all your self-composed songs, which one do you have the happiest memory with and which one gives you the saddest memory?

“Paradise” is a song with a message that says I’ll love you now and forever. “I Did” is a ballad version of “Get Out.” The song’s story get’s easily stuck in my head and my heartaches every time I listen to it.


Q 4 (Rita, Russia) : What musical instrument could characterize your inner world? 

Piano and guitar! For me, piano is excellent for expressing emotional and sentimental stories. As for guitars, it reflects extreme emotions very well.


Q 5 (Ann, United Kingdom) : If you were given a chance to collaborate with international artists, who would it be and why?

Wow, I would love to collaborate with L’Arc-en-Ciel and Maximilian Hecker!


Q 6 (Elvira, Lithuania) From the latest tweets it looks like Yoochun and Junsu didn’t have the opportunity to visit your home yet ^^. Are you planning on inviting them in the near future? If yes, could you post some dorky photos of their visit later? 

We haven’t seen each other due to individual activities, so we talk to each other through texts or calls. When they have time I’ll invite them or invite myself to theirs! When that happens, I’ll post a picture of it ~~~ ^^


Q 7  (Loresu, Spain) : Why is your album gold-colored? Is there any hidden meaning or is it just aesthetic?

It’s simple, I like the color gold! It’s nice! ^^


Q 8 (Mei Xin, Singapore) : If you had a daughter, will you let her date Junsu or Yoochun and why?

Hm… I’d like to pass this one, haha! No comment~!


Q 9  (Ella, Texas) : I know you said JYJ is planning to release an album next year, so is there a chance for JYJ as a group to explore the rock sound too or other genres outside of pop music?

It will definitely be very different from any other solo albums. When we do music as JYJ, it creates a bigger synergy because its all three of us doing something together. Rather than feeling safe because we’re three, we try to keep balance with each other. So, when we perform as a group, we try not to show off like as we do when we are solos. It’s keep with each other’s pace to not break the balance.


Q 10 (Fawzia, Saudi Arabia) Do you read the fans messages through social networking sites such as Twitter? 

Of course I do! ^^ I try reading them all, but Saudi Arabian words are quite difficult to read…haha


Q 11 (Deedee, Indonesia) : Among so many books you’ve read so far, which one is your ultimate favorite? Why? And what quote(s) do you like the most from it? 

I read The Nightly Book of Positive Quotations. I read it before going to bed, or anytime when I have spare time. The quote that I really liked was ‘The ideal never comes. Today is ideal for him who makes it so.’ ~~ ^^


Q 12 (Emily, Poland) : Are there any other female artists that you admire and would like to collaborate with?

Female artist..? I would love to do something with Kesha!


Q 13 (Kana, Russia) : What do you do when you feel bad and sad?

I would say… try to accept it!


Q 14 (Mai, Thailand) : Can you tell us each of JYJ’s member’s secret?

Well, I’ll keep my member’s secret a secret…! As for me, my jinx is that things backfire when I try to maintain something too hard to be excellent in one thing.


Q 15 (Sabrine, France) : I wanted to know if your dream was to become a singer? Because if this is the case, you will be a model.

Actually, my dream was to be an owner of a super market! ^^;;


Q 16 (Micaela, Italy) How do you think your next work will be like? Which direction will it take? Stronger rock feel? A mixture of other genres? Or…?

As a solo, I want to continue doing rock, but, I don’t want to limit myself to one genre. I guess I’ll keep on doing ‘my’ music. Music that has my color and my scent!


♫ EMI ❤ LOVE 재중 ♫

【K-POP Planet質問&ジェジュンの答え 全16問】