VampsTimes 10 : How Depp is Hyde? He is so Depp | noi_chanのブログ


Another me and ...

Whoaaaaaa .........

i am back and i am not dead yet, why? that's because i can't find a painless way to die, yes, for a coward and selfish person like me way to die by cut my hands, etc etc that's too scary and i can't even stand for the pain, .... well i spent my yesterday think about a painless way to die but then God gave me a clue , when i saw my mom's face in the morning and hell yeah i have to stay strong for her.

she is so worry about me, i knew it form the way she keep ask me nonstop : are you hungry? do you want to eat this and this .... etc etc .... Oh God, she was like that because of me, i don't want her to worry about me again, i promise that horrible night is the last time i cried hysteric like that, .....

and thank you Levy ([info] marchlavender ), Nikki ([info] kmakms ),Yukiko for your lovely comments and my darling Piko for the text message sorry for not reply all of your comments/ text because i don't wanna do that (even i used to say how un_polite is somebody who didn't reply a comments in her blog post is because it was like a host who let the guest who want to visit her/his home guest outside their home and didn't treat them well . ) it is very help me and yes i was so fool, can you imagine i wanna die but i was so scare for the pain? .... what a fool ne , ... and i am so sorry made all of you worry by my lame rant post, .... Gomen ne ....

but i tell you something, when i realize there's no painless way to die, then i was pray to God to gave me an accident, ... an accident that i never gonna find out : whether if i got hit by a car or a snake bite me just like Prof. Snape (because my mom told me there's a big snake in our backyard) ... eeh? a snake ... i think if a snake bite me i am gonna die because of shock first than because of the snake's poison ....

ah ya talking about snake i remember i read one of Levy's tweet about kiss a snake? ... nee Levy ([info] marchlavender ) did you really kiss a snake? OMG that's sughoii ne .... i never gonna do that, i better kiss hyde or yasu than a snake ..... wekekekeke ..... kyaaaaa *dumped to a lion cage*

ok ok back to the accident, ... eventually yes, God gave me an accident, ... but this is a lovely accident, instead of hit by a truck, car or else ... after listen to Shojo no Inori III for more than 20 times in one day , i got hit by this man, the same man, again : ....

this man just hit me with his PISTOL, again and again , .... so yes i got an accident but a very lovely accident . I am accidentally in love with Mr. Yasu Hayashi again .... yay, yay, yay .....

enough about my personal life and let's move on the topic, ..... last night i watched Pirate of Carribean 3 : At The World's End and today i just saw this image when i open my ameba : from Vamps Times vol 10 :

credit to : [info] gloria74

OMG look at Hyde Scissorhands , .....!!! he looks amazing ... i mean look at his face and his eyes, his look and the way he made that look is brilliant ....!!!! OMG i love this photo .....

and that photo just can't stop me thinking of How Depp Hyde is .... OMG OMG he is so Depp , .... I love Hyde and i love him more because the fact how he also like Johnny Depp as me .... if Hyde is the one who connect me and yasu, today i think Johnny Depp is connect me and Hyde/Hyde and me beside how amazing is Hyde and all about him that i never able to tell why? because Hyde has so many amazing things, Indeed Hyde himself is amazing and brilliant ...

i talked about Hyde and this Vamps Times because he just received his with one of my friend via messenger and he just told me about this : Hyde cooking Soba ...

OMG he is cooking? .... awww .... i can't cook, shame on me ... i should join Chef Academy ne, ... because Vale_chan told me if she start to join a baking class, ... hooo that's lovely , i wish she bake some cute yasu cookies for me, i told her that or not? ah i forgot again ..... xD ...

hyde : eeeehhh, you can't cook noi_chan?
noi : unfortunately yeah ...
hyde : poor yasu_kun ...
noi : no no, i'll do something hyde_san, but just don't tell yasu ... oke?
hyde : well .....
noi : aaaaaaaaa .......

hyde can cook and so yasu, i better start to learn to cook something else but instant noodles , ... . but this time let's talk about this epic movie by Tim Burton : Edward The Scissorhands

Time Burton is one of my fave director beside Stephen Spielberg and Francis Ford Coppola , .... and his collaboration with Johnny Depp is brilliant , .... i love Sleepy Hollow and Sweney Tod, a movie that keep me singing .... I feel you Joanna etc etc while wondering i was Joanna .... but i am not Joanna, because out there in Vietnam there's a lovely and kind girl named Joanna and she is my friend [info] anhiu_anhchan .

Edward The Scissorhands

this movie started with an old lady telling her granddaughter about snow fall and the origin of the snow is , and her story begin with an Avon Lady named Peg Boggs found a young man named Edward in a gothic castle alone who has a scissorhands, ... and she decide to take him home join her with her American Family live, ....

Tim Burton make this movie based on Mary Shely's Frankenstain as his own version of Frankenstein, ... just like Frankenstein who lost is creator before the creator finish him, Edward lost his inventor (Vincent Price), before he give him a pair of hands to replace his scissorhands, .... Edward (what a lovely British namae wa ) was alone in his castle and what he did is the ice sculpture and all the ice was floating around as snow fall ..

when Edward arrive on Peg's lovely home, he meet her daughter Kim (Wynona Ryder) and he falls in love with her, .... and then, there's my fave scene when night come and Peg ask Edward to sleep in a water bed , you know a bed with water in it , ... nah because his hand is scissors .... he just tear the bed and make the water out, .... he is wet and i just love hi expression how innocent guilty feel he shown , .... waw Johnny Depp is brilliant ...!!!

being on Peg's normal live make Edward famous among Peg's neighborhood, The neighborhood soon accepts Edward in a perverse and freakish way, the people seeing him as a curiosity. He soon becomes popular for his gift of cutting hedges into pieces of beautiful art and arousing the dormant passions of spiteful housewives (i should ask him tu cut my hair ) ....

in this movie Mr. Burton show us how it feels like to be different and how the poeple is gonna look at you because of your difference from other, ... some of them gonna take it with no problem at all, other's gonna take it with one condition for join the normal sociaty like what Peg's husband did to Edward, by ask him to start work and get a bank loan to get a long with their social members and the rest is can't/ never accept the difference at all and start to look at Edward and his scissorhands as monster who is danger .... and he should be away far from the community ....

Edward himself has never asked to be created in the manner he was (and nobody does) , he is an innocent young man, gentle and greatly gifted, he has a beauty and heart that is found rarely in life. his worship to Kim finally make her able to see the real Edward and his kind, How different is Edward from his abuse boyfriend, .
even they both different, ....

but sometimes a difference is beautiful ... my fave line is when Edward want to say goodbye to Kim and Kim said I Love You to him .... and

Kim : Hold me ...!!
Edward : I can't ....

he can't do that because he is affraid if his scissorhands is gonna hurt Kim, the one he love so deeply, ... but KIm keep ask him to hold her while sayin it's okay i'll be fine and hug him from back ... ..... OMG that scene is so sad, ....

but yeah this is a sad movie so when Kim start to love Edward, the neighborhood start to hate him because they think he is very dangerous, and start to tell him to go away ....

i used to say the most romantic scene on movie is when someone hug her/his beloved from back just like what Kim did to Edward, .... now you all know where i got that obsession to be hug or hug somebody from back, well thanks to this movie, Tim Burton, Winona Ryder and Mr. Johnny Depp .... now i want to hug this man

yasu : what .....?
noi : yes, i wanna hug you
yasu : don't
noi : why ...? you don't have scissors on your hands so don't worry i'll be fine ...
yasu : well i am gonna put scissors in my hands so you can't hug me ....
noi : what the .....

What i am gonna say is this Movie Edward The Scissorhands is brilliant and perfect for this year Halloween . For the question for How Depp is Hyde? .... the answer is Hyde is so Depp and I Love you Hyde .....

yasu : next question is : How Deep is Your Love ....?
noi : my love? for you? ... my love for you is sooo deep as deep as the deepest ocean ....
yasu : uso ....!!
noi : uso janai .... well you should let me hug you ne ya_san .... *wink*
yasu : ah whatever, just go away i am busy ....
noi : aaaaaaa .......
