Fanmeeting with H&A-f | Nie's Journal

Nie's Journal

“Sometimes people are beautiful. Not in looks. Not in what they say. Just in what they are.”
Markus Zusak

In Sunday, im watched HANGRY&ANGRY-F LIVE..
they are so cool (*´・ω・`)

Can't took some photos because i'm really enjoyed their performance,
forget LOL

But so far the LIVE so awesome.
they're so actractive!!

some photos of the venueダウン

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Nie's Journal

Nie's Journal

And today they held fanmeet
They are so pretty and sooooo kind !!
took some photos and handshake音譜

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$Nie's Journal

Really, they are so kind
i hope they come to Indonesia next event.

I buy their CD in the Venue,
i love their songs・・・ハート音符

$Nie's Journal

Good night and sweet dreams音符

