



The night when you are overwhelmed by the sorrow and feel alone

put your hand on your chest, closing your eyes and feel something slight

something slight is awaking deep inside of your heart

you can find the power of yourself

it makes you believe that you can be strong,

If someone lost all hope for the life, and tears keep wetting their cheeks

I feel like that I can something for them,

Yes I'm sure that it is not the end

I can feel that there is something I can do for them,

The feeling comes naturally from my soul, tenderness, and generosity,

I can't stop thinking about helping someone who need it

When you lost the light it slightly had showed the way your future,

Again and again, struggling to find one more time before giving up

I decide to keep singing for you with wishing help your searching your light,

Even if you lost everything that you loved

Even if you can't stop crying and feeling alone

Even if you hate anything around you

Even if you come confuse what is the meaning of your life

I believe in you

I believe in you, someday you will........

Someday you will.........

Someday you will find the way to get through it

まだ半分だし、なんか違くて、すんません 文法無視、雰囲気です 雰囲気。


EXILE ドームツアー 楽しかったなあ。ありゃ、一年分の楽しさが詰まっちゃってるね。

泣いて笑って踊って歌って 最高でした。

ありがとう EXILE わたしをまだこの世に、とどまらせてくれて。