

*☆*:;;*☆*:;;SMILE - to you and to us゚・:,。゚・:,。★゚・:,。゚・:,。☆

How are you?

I want to tell about new really good things that i had these days!
1) Panic At the disco LIVE! you know i love them sooo much.. especially Brendon Urie's voice. So there was too hot in the club, i really felt bad, stuff gave us water, splashed it on us and we were so happy ahahaha
Every song of Panic at the disco was my favourite. as always, all theirn songs are cool

yeeeey ♥

2) Moreover, I've got United Kingdom visa.. you know, it is too difficult for russian citizens... but... but i went to give documents and got it after 10 days. I did it.
I was really happy..

So, i'll go to London 10th of August, I can't wait!
really happy..
and.. few days ago... i've met one person, with whom i'll live few days in London..
I believe in fate

and some photos, as always ♥

P.S. yes i tried to wear blondy wig, ahaha
don't be afraid, i didn't colour my hair

See you~
Hope you all are happy ♥

Hi everyone!
Just arrived from St.Petersburg, it was amaizing trip ^^
I met my friends there ♥
so, firstly i went by plain it was so coool
i was a bird ^^
then when i arrieved i went to buy tickets on Panic Ath te disco LIVE
i love them so much
the went to the shop of korean cosmetics MISSHA ♥

next day my friend and me walked in the centre of this amazing city..

I love this culture so much
amazing pictures, sculptures, architecture
i took a photo of chineese group in museum and there was so cute kawaii boy wwwwwwww as always ahahha
he is in white t-shirt wooo
i touched him wwwwww

so with friends ♥


time to go home!~

i'll go to St.Peretsburg again soon, to the Panic at the disco LIVE
despite this fact i really have problems.. my grandmother feels so bad now.. and i'm afraid to leave her even at 3 days... but....
i'm really afraid..
moreover, boy whom i love is too stupid to understand it.
I'm lost now
but i'm so so happy that i have such friends as my sister Amber and Yuji
they support me always, i'm so happy
and i love them so much
thank you



Soooo I start to travel!!!
on Monday i'll go to St.Petersburg to give my documents for United Kingdom Visa!!!!


Woooooooo ♥♥♥

by the way, last week we celebrated birthday of our town!!^^
my friend and me went to amusement Park, ate a lot of ice-cream, food and really had fun!! i like my friend Susha ♥

This is sooooo scared thing!!! X_X
Starbee!!! Susha was there but i'm afraid wwwwww

and some more photos


this song i listen all day.
Loreen is beautiful, her songs so gorgeous.. amazing.
