
2011年夏、逗子の海辺の小さな映画館「cinema amigo」では、料理のうまい女の人たちが日替わりでランチを出していた。

僕が訪ねたその日に料理を出していた華奢な女性はベルリンから帰省してきてるの、と云ってスペイン風のプレートを出してくれた。カウンターに腰掛けて、オムレツをつついていたら店内でかかっているアンビエントなミックスCDが料理と同じくらい極上なことに気づいたので尋ねると、それは彼女のミックスだという。プレートの上の料理と同じように、丁寧に気持ちを込めてブレンドされたCHILL MIX。どうしても欲しくなったので、データをコピーさせてもらった。

そこにメモ代わりにつけられていたタイトルが「yoga ambient」。それが当時、聴覚の不調を訴えつつもベルリンのテクノやアンビエント(ラウンジミュージック)シーンで多忙に活動した後、スペインアンダルシアで新たな音楽ライフを過ごし、長年海外に拠点を置いていながらも、震災後の故郷・日本が気になって一時帰国していた DJ SayakaStar との出会いだった。

この60分ほどの音源データが今、僕のmacのiTunesでは再生回数「42」で、他にCDRで聴いたのを入れると100回は超える。いつか、レーベルを作ったらこれを出したいと思っていたが HAISAI RECORDS として4年越しにその思いがかなった。

リリースに際して彼女からはちょっと格好いいタイトル案が届けられたが、僕は初めのメモ書きみたいな「yoga ambient」が一番ピッタリだと思ったので、そのままにさせてもらった。

DJが曲を選んで、何曲もつないでいくことで独特の世界観、時間、空間を構築する「ミックス」の世界に触れたことのない人をも優しくガイダンスする DJ SayakaStar のアンビエントミックス。沖縄在住のイラストレーター田原さん(doucatty)の描いた「sangosakana」のイラストに包まれて、大切に世に送り出したい。



「Yoga Ambient」DJ SayakaStar ¥2000-(税込)

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Hallo! ドイツはベルリンで暮らすSayakaStarです。ついにこのMixが、時を経て遥か遠く沖縄から発信されることをとても嬉しく思います。
このYoga Ambientは、友人のヨガクラスのために作ったMixです。呼吸に意識を置いたり、心を落ち着けて観察したり。私自身も日々その瞬間、ヨガと寄り添って生きることを心がけて暮らしています。毎日のヨガや瞑想中にこんな音に誘われて旅に出たい。そう思って集めた音楽たちを、ゆるゆるとつなげてみました。
この一枚と過ごすあなたの1日が、穏やかに満たされた幸せなものでありますように。Viel Spaß!

Alles Liebe.

A Plate Full of Food and Music

During the summer of 2011, a tiny cinema in the beach town of Zushi by the name of Cinema Amigo ran a café where women with culinary skills served different meals each day of the week. On the day I visited the café, this one petite woman was in charge of the kitchen. She served me a plate full of Spanish style delicacies and told me she was currently visiting home from her base in Berlin. I sat at the counter, taking my time enjoying the omelette, and noticed the ambient mix CD playing in the background. The music was as superb as her food and it made me inquire. She told me it was her original mix.
Just as my meal was prepared with love and care, the chillout mix was blended superbly. I had to ask for a copy of the data, which was in a folder titled “yoga ambient”. This woman had been actively involved in the Berlin techno and lounge music scene for several years as she gradually developed hearing problems. She had since embraced a new musical lifestyle in the Spanish region of Andalucía, until the natural and nuclear disasters that had ravaged Japan earlier that year persuaded her to return to her native land. That was how I came to meet DJ SayakaStar.
I had played her data, about 60 minutes in total, 42 times according to my mac iTunes. Adding the number of times I’d listened to it on CD would make that number well over 100. I always wished I could release this to the world one day when I had my own label, and now, after 4 years, this has finally come true through HAISAI RECORDS. Before its release, SayakaStar had sent me a few attractive title ideas for the album, but I still felt the original memo-like title “yoga ambient” was the most fitting and decided to keep it.
Even if you are unfamiliar with the world of mix DJ music, DJ SayakaStar will guide any first time listener through her distinctive world views, time and space, as she pieces together her selected ambient tracks. We’ve encased it in illustrations of “sangosakana (coralfish)” by Okinawa artist Tahara (doucatty), and tenderly send it out to the world. Regardless of whether it’s morning, noon or night, whether you’re indoors, outdoors, at yoga, sleeping or working, this album will provide you the ultimate chillout experience. Please Enjoy.

三宅洋平 Yohei Miyake (HAISAI RECORDS)

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Hallo! This is SayakaStar greeting you from Berlin, Germany.
I’m thrilled that after all these years, my mix CD is finally being released from the far away island of Okinawa.
YogaAmbient was originally created for my friend’s yoga class, as an accompaniment for conscious breathing and mindful meditation.
As a musician who spends her days and moments keeping yoga a prominent part of life, I began to contemplate the ideal kind of music that could guide me into my journey through daily yoga and meditation, then leisurely gathered them together.
The sound of waves while you lie on the beach, gazing up at the sun from underwater, the color of dawn as it lightens the sky, a piece of treasure found in a forest, the voices of singing children, falling asleep in the shade of a tree, the light that shines to tell you winter has come to an end, being pulled back into dreamland… these soundscapes drawn out from the 13 tracks on this record are my own rendition of what “YogaAmbient” means.
I hope that this day you spend listening to my mix will be filled with calmness, serenity and blessings. Viel Spaß!

Alles Liebe.

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DJ SayakaStar


DJ SayakaStar began her music career in the mid-90s after being influenced by the Tokyo club scene earlier that decade.She was a resident DJ in a Tokyo nightclub, playing mostly mondo and new wave music, as well as a vocalist for Texas2000, an electronica band without a sequencer or synthesizer but made up entirely of Speak & Spell toys produced by Texas Instruments Inc. She was also involved in the local rave scene before branching out to chill out music in the second half of the decade, playing at various clubs and outdoor parties.
SayakaStar left Tokyo for Australia in the mid-2000s to play at events and festivals around Melbourne and Byron Bay. She resided in New Zealand in 2004 then Australia again in 2005, before traveling to Europe the following year and discovering Berlin, a city which she would later adopt as her new home. In 2007, she packed her bags and moved to Berlin and spent the next 3 years DJing, She then stayed in Gibraltar and Andalucía for 18 months and frequently DJ’d at local clubs and bars.
When Japan experienced a triple catastrophe through a massive earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster in 2011, SayakaStar had what she calls “some kind of spiritual experience and epiphanic visions”. She has since made it her mission to mix music that will resonate with the vibrations of the Universe/Peace.
She gave birth to her son Nikou (“Light of Rainbow”) the following year, and is expecting her second child in September 2015. She is currently undergoing transformation into a mother of two, and sees deep significance in how the word for “two children” has a similar sound to “Rainbow (niji)”.

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「Yoga Ambient」DJ SayakaStar ¥2000-(税込)



ZANPA JAM 2014 MIX CD by DJMKY & DJ HIKARU now on sale

ZANPAJAM 2015 第1弾アーティスト発表!!
(10/30-11/1 沖縄野外フェス@名護・屋我地島)前売り券絶賛発売中!