【米国 ホワイトハウスからのメールマガジン2018-07-27b







12:30 p.m.でライブを見るET


その後、大統領はイリノイ州のグラナイトシティに移動し、800人のアメリカの鉄鋼業の期待される復帰を祝う。 3:40 p.m.でライブを見るET






トランプ大統領は議会に対し行動を促した。大統領が今週つぶやいた "議会は#PerkinsCTEを再認証し、アメリカの労働力がこれまで以上に強く残るようにするべきだ!"イワンカ・トランプを率いるホワイトハウスは、議会議事堂の法案を支持した。









候補者として、ドナルドトランプはアメリカを世界の舞台ではるかに厳しい交渉者にすると約束した。 「我々は世界史上最悪の貿易取引をしている。私たちは国を捨てましたが、私たちは労働者のために戻しています」と大統領は先月ミネソタで語った。


昨日、大統領の厳しい姿勢は、特にアメリカの農民のために劇的な勝利を収めました。トランプ大統領は、欧州委員会委員長ジャン=クロード・ユンカーと並んで、「まず第1に、ゼロ関税、ゼロ関税障壁のない、自動車以外の産業財に対する補助金ゼロを目指すことで一致した」と発表した。 「農民や労働者の市場が開かれるだろう」











欧州委員会のドナルド・J・トランプ大統領とジャン・クロード・ジュンカー大統領は、ローズガーデンで共同声明を発表する| 2018725


こちらは、多くの外国人が被害者です。あなたも #MeToo  被害者です。




【USAMail magazine from the White House 2018-07-27b


The White House • July 26, 2018

The Day Ahead 

• President Donald J. Trump and Ivanka Trump visit Iowa, where they will lead a discussion on developing America’s workforce. Watch live at 12:30 p.m. ET.

• The President then travels to Granite City, Illinois, where he will celebrate the expected return of 800 American steel jobs. Watch live at 3:40 p.m. ET.

A major bipartisan win in Congress

Republicans and Democrats came together yesterday to deliver a signature piece of President Trump’s workforce agenda: reauthorization of the Perkins Career and Technical Education Act.  For years Congress has tried unsuccessfully to modernize the program, which will help more than 11 million students and workers with technical and vocational education.

President Trump had urged Congress to act. “Congress should reauthorize #PerkinsCTE and ensure the American workforce remains stronger than EVER!” the President tweeted this week. The White House, led by Ivanka Trump, was closely involved in shepherding the legislation on Capitol Hill.

It’s been a flagship month for workers, with America in the midst of its longest streak of uninterrupted job growth ever recorded. Last week, President Trump launched the National Council for the American Worker, which will focus on retraining efforts to make sure every citizen can take full advantage of this historic jobs boom.

President Trump: “I applaud Congress for its tremendous, bipartisan effort.”

Get the facts: How the Administration is equipping American students and workers

Zero tariffs, zero barriers, and zero subsidies

As a candidate, Donald Trump promised to make America a much tougher negotiator on the world stage. “We have the worst trade deals in the history of the world. We gave away our country, but we’re taking it back for our workers,” the President said last month in Minnesota.

Yesterday, the President’s tough stance paid off with a dramatic win, especially for America’s farmers. Standing alongside European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, President Trump announced that “we agreed today, first of all, to work together toward zero tariffs, zero non-tariff barriers, and zero subsidies on non-auto industrial goods,” a move that “will open markets for farmers and workers.”

The importance can’t be overstated. The European Union’s $1 trillion trade flow with the United States is the largest economic relationship in the world. Together, America and the EU account for 830 million citizens and more than half of the world’s GDP. “If we team up, we can make our planet a better, more secure, and more prosperous place,” President Trump said.

Watch President Trump’s announcement from the Rose Garden.

In the headlines: President Trump announces concessions from EU on soybeans, energy, tariffs

Photo of the Day

Official White House Photo by Andrea Hanks

President Donald J. Trump and President Jean-Claude Juncker of the European Commission deliver joint statements in the Rose Garden | July 25, 2018 


Here, many foreigners are victims. You are a  #MeToo victim  too.
