












昨日、ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領と大統領は、国民の首都を見下ろす素晴らしい花火大会への音楽、食べ物、最前列の座席のために、軍人やその他のゲストをホワイトハウス・サウス・ローンに歓迎しました。 「アメリカの戦士の不滅の物語は、GettysburgIwo Jimaの砂漠、アフガニスタンの山々、Valley Forgeの雪の畑に書かれています。


大統領は、火曜日の夜、ウェストバージニアで、私たちの部隊のもう一つの祭典、ホワイトサルファースプリングスの礼拝堂への敬礼をしました。トロンプ大統領は、「242年の間、アメリカ軍の汗、血、犠牲のためにアメリカの独立は耐えてきた。 「これは世界の歴史において平和と正義のための最大の力だ」










先週、行政当局は、トランプ大統領の6カ月の記念日を祝い、法制化を全面的に取り止めました。スティーブン・ミンチン(Steven Mnuchin)財務長官は、火曜日、なぜ税制改革がアメリカの経済復興の中心的役割を果たしたのかを説明した。


「キャンペーン中に大統領と一緒に旅行したとき、私たちは、経済が彼らのために働いていないと説明した多くの人々と会いました」とムンチンは書いています。 "米国人の減税は肯定的な結果をもたらしています。企業競争力の向上をもたらす多くの条項は、企業料金の引き下げを含む永久的なものです...実質的な経済発展と繁栄はすでに達成されています。








Shealah Craigheadによる公式ホワイトハウス写真


ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領とメアニア・トランプ大統領、トルーマン・バルコニーからの74日の花火を見る| 201874


こちらは、多くの外国人が被害者です。あなたも #MeToo  被害者です。





【USAMail magazine from the White House 2018-07-06

Your 1600 Daily:


The White House • July 5, 2018

The Day Ahead

Vice President Mike Pence will hold meetings with USAID Administrator Mark Green and President-elect of Colombia Ivan Duque at the White House.





A look inside Fourth of July at the White House

On July 4, 1776, the Second Continental Congress adopted Thomas Jefferson's Declaration of Independence. A quarter-century later, in 1801, President Jefferson would host the White House's first Fourth of July celebration. Modern Presidents have continued his tradition.

Yesterday, President Donald J. Trump and the First Lady welcomed military families and other guests to the White House South Lawn for music, food, and a front-row seat to the stunning fireworks display over our Nation's capital. "The immortal story of the American warrior is written in the fields of Gettysburg, the sands of Iwo Jima, the mountains of Afghanistan, and the snow of Valley Forge," President Trump said.

The President was in West Virginia Tuesday night for another celebration of our troops, a Salute to Service Dinner in White Sulphur Springs. "For 242 years—it's a long time—American independence has endured because of the sweat, blood, and sacrifice of the American armed forces," President Trump said. "It's the greatest force for peace and justice in the history of the world."

Watch President Trump's Fourth of July message to Americans.

In photos: An inside look at Independence Day at the White House





An economy that works for everyone

Last week, the Administration celebrated the six-month anniversary of President Trump signing sweeping tax cuts into law. On Tuesday, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin explained why tax reform has been central to America's economic resurgence.

"When I traveled with the President during the campaign, we met with many people who explained that the economy was not working for them," Secretary Mnuchin writes. "The tax cuts' positive results for the American people are here. Many provisions that have improved business competitiveness are permanent, including lower corporate rates . . . Substantial economic progress and greater prosperity are already being achieved."

How President Trump's tax cuts have strengthened the U.S. economy





Photo of the Day

Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead

President Donald J. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump watch 4th of July fireworks from the Truman Balcony | July 4, 2018

Here, many foreigners are victims. You are a  #MeToo victim  too.
