$Daily from a Stranger

I still find myself thinking, if I exist in their memory as "the girl with pink hair waving goodbye as we got in the van."? Probably this is more impossible than if I found out a family of otters living in my shabby all stars ・・・. Standing next to all those fans jumping and smiling, wishing "bon voyage", clapping hands, I was just sitting there holding that plastic rose (which I forgot to bring to the show the day before・・・ヤバイ) amongst the group of girls who shouted "VERJAPANSAILLES!" えへ
Did they hear? Dunno, but if they heard, or better, if Kamijo heard he must've  tought something like "Damned Gacket fans がっかり "    ・・・ヒヒヒヒ

I hope Hizaki likes the Angra's shirt that Taka's friend sent ・・・あはっ

つづく ...