Meeting Ayu at London | Miki_TA_spainのブログ



Hello!! (^-^)/

I am going to write my experience meeting Ayu 目

It was precious moments.

On November the third, Ayu said on twitter she would be going to Europe. On that day at night, we booked flight for the next day ☆

I woke up at 6am and met Gigi at Train Station. We went to airport after that.


Gigi ダウン


We reached London safely. But we knew Ayu was coming on Monday. I got very sad, because I had to leave on wednesday.

When monday came, we were all ready to go out to pick up Ayu at airport, but we suddenly knew she was not coming! This day, we stayed at home, very sad.

When the next day arrived, we went to Heathrow's airport to welcome Ayu.

At there, there was a guy called Mitsu, very glamourously dressed. He was very nice and told us Ayu was coming soon. We waited there around 2 hours, until Ayu came out.

As we knew, there was some kind of problem and Ayu was very worried. She didn't see us and kept walking. When she saw Mitsu, she run to him and hugged him ☆ She seemed very happy to meet a friend after a long time.

After that, we went to talk to her, and she said "sorry" to us because there had been a lot of troubles while she was flying.

For this meeting with Ayu, I made a song titled [HOPE & FREEDOM song] which has all the feelings I received last July at Yoyogi at the POWER of MUSIC. I explained this to her and she said:

"So you must be Miki!"

I said "yes ^^" and..

she came to hug me!!!!ヽ(;´Д`)ノ

It was a long and warm hug, and I had to hold back my tears.

I gave her my song with my letter, where I talked to her about Hitomi, Ayuma and all my japanese friends who helped me to go to Japan. After that, we took pics with her ^^

Here I was showing Ayu my song and my letter, and explaining its significance ^^ ダウン



Can you see my song?? ^_^


She asked everyone when we would be leaving London. She was sad I had to live the day after :'(

She was very tired, and had some issues to solve out. So she left, saying "see you later"

We left the airport and went to the Hotel. Gigi and Aura went to have dinner while Chris and me waited for her at the door of the Hotel.

I saw Minazou ^_^ and Mitsu a lot of times. Mitsu was the one who was picking up everyone to the hotel. Mitsu also brought Timmy (the guy from BRILLANTE), who was very nice talking with me =).

After a lot of hours, Ayu finally came. Surprisingly, she had my song on her hands!! She showed it to me. After all that time, why did she have my song on her hands? ダウン



We talked a little bit, and when we had to say goodbye, she came and hugged me again. She wished me a safe trip back to home, and said something about POWER of MUSIC that I can't remember =(

We took a pic... I will never forget.


It is thanks to everyone that this dream could be completed. Thank you.