ホームステイ 2日目 | 笑う地球家族☆岐阜笑いヨガクラブ☆ アルパ奏者 FMらら ほめ達 〜大川実音吏〜愛と癒しの時間

笑う地球家族☆岐阜笑いヨガクラブ☆ アルパ奏者 FMらら ほめ達 〜大川実音吏〜愛と癒しの時間

岐阜笑いヨガクラブ代表笑いヨガアンバサダー グリンです。
空きます。そのスペースに 幸せが


We have become a family of homestay. 

Every day is a lot of fun. It's not hard.

They were listed in a newspaper this morning!


Thanks to them, my son and I have a lot more conversation than usual.

I went to Raspa yesterday.


I played with them,Prikura.

They know a lot how to use


They are interested in Japanese comic books.

The conversation is almost English. 

Communication is also done well. 

However, my language skill is a learning level for junior high school students.


I can not see the inside of the book store, I think I will go to a recycle shop today.

Because the price is also cheap, it is easy to obtain.

Have a nice day〜〜♡