Hello everyone~

So a little blog post about my first week of studying in Japan, even though the study part hasn't started yet ^^; 
First 3 nights I stayed with Sissy in a hotel in Higashijujo :3 

Tiny cozy room xD

In those days I went with my mom and her friend Loes to Roppongi, Ueno (zoo 8D) and Shibuya :3 (in Roppongi we walked into the Italian guy who was sitting next to me on the plane xD Tokyo isn't so big after all ww)
For Sissy and I our first week started off well with her having stomach problems and me getting a cold xDD

On Thursday Sissy and I moved to our dorm in Hino :3

My room, on the first floor (voor de Nederlanders: begane grond dus). On the right is another closet for your clothes etc.

Unfortunately Hino itself seems kind of boring (;^_^A Even the closest combini is about 5 minutes away xD But maybe I'm just spoiled for having stayed in Takadanobaba before lol. Anyway, haven't found some kind of shopping center here yet.. But at least there's a big district 2 stations away, with a ドンキホーテ (huge shop where you can buy about everything) yay! But no karaoke or whatsoever near the dorm ( ̄ー ̄;
Next to Sissy and I, all the girls in the dorm are Japanese, Korean or Chinese xD So lots of opportunities to practice your Japanese lol (..we suck compared to the other girls tho orz). The dorm is divided into 4 units with about 4~5 people, and one Japanese unit leader per unit.
Per unit you have a living room with a TV, a kitchen, two toilets (with toilet slippers, lol) and a bathroom with two sinks, a shower, a bathtub and a washing machine.

Since our classes haven't started yet, I don't have much to tell about Hino yet. We had an evacuation drill on Friday, where we had to practice how to call the fire department (with the help of real firemen) Awkward, since you had to pretend to call the fire department in front of all the other foreign students xD After that Sissy and I were the only ones kind of interested in checking out the fire truck. The firemen then also put a fire resistant vest and an oxygen tank on us xD Pictures were taken, but not sure if we ever get to see them ww (not sure if I want to either xD) 
Yesterday we went to Harajuku to try (for the third  time) to get a prepaid sim card but it seems to be impossible to find those here orz (if anyone knows where to find one, please tell me! xD)
So, that's it for now. Will blog again in a week maybe, 'cause then we'll have some more preparations for classes (like an OPI test ^^; why an oral  exam D: my spoken Japanese sucks so much xD).

Baaibaaaii~ (。・ω・)ノ゙


オランダでいろいろの動物園がある。たいてい私はアムステルダムの「Artis」という動物園に行く。でも今回ロッテルダムの「Diergaarde Blijdorp」に行った。この動物園前に行ったことがあるかどうか本当に覚えないけど。。(;^ω^Aでも本当にきれいなし、楽しい動物園だった!(*⌒∇⌒*)たくさん面白い動物があったww。とくに、室内のチョウの庭が大好きだった!!(〃∇〃)いろいろなきれいなチョウがあった!残念ながらカメラを忘れちゃった。。(´д`lll)




Ps. 間違いがあったら、ごめんなさいm(_ _ )m
It's been almost a year since my last entry orz
I should write more xD; And I'll try from now on, but I can't promise anything lol xD;
Also, I thought it was time to change my blog design! (・ω・)/

So I left of the last time at me almost starting school xD Now the first year there is already over (*゚ー゚*)
But  I did have cool classmates! Since I did the first year and second year kinda at the same time I actually had two groups, so double the classmates (^ε^)
Furthermore, I went to Japan again in December for two weeks with my friend Petra! It was really fun, saw some friends again and also Melissa who was staying in Tokyo for 3 months at the time (o^-')b We also went to some awesome concerts and parties again of course~

I also wrote Petra and I got our own apartment. But Petra had to move out and our landlord first told us we could only move out together because we had an apartment contract.. Then I found an ad about our apartment online which stated that you could also rent the rooms separately.. So I contacted my landlord and I now I can keep my room with a new contract (^_^)v (and my boyfriend will kind of unexpectedly take over Petra's room lol).

Anyway, not much else to tell I think xD I got holidays right now and at the moment I'm at my own place :3 But most of the holiday I've just been at my mom's place or hanging out with friends or le boyfriend (^ε^)

So well this is it for now, later!
