FOR INT'L EELS Trans of Article /NEWS POST SEVEN | ya-chanのブログ


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FOR INT'L EELS Text translation of the article on JKS in NEWS POST SEVEN on January 14th, 2017


Original source: NEWS POST SEVEN

English translation: Marchneko-chan @yachan19870804



[ Article ] Jang Keun Suk who has a 25-year entertainment career  His recent change: Quitting egosurfing (vanity search/searching for himself)

Jang Keun Suk (29 years old) released 3 single CD albums in 2016.  His third single CD "I wanna hold you/My wish" which was released on December 14th ranked the 2nd in Oricon Weekly Single CD Chart.  In addition, for playing the leading role in Daebak he won Top Excellence Award for long running dramas in SBS Drama Awards which was held on December 31st.
We interviewed with Jang Keun Suk who was drinking whiskey on the rocks and could successfully listen to his truth talk in a relaxed atmosphere!
"I choose this whenever I drink with friends in a bar.  It smells like antiseptic in a hospital, though," he answered with laughing.  He was enjoying LAPHROAIG a Scotch whiskey on the rocks.  Jang Keun Suk was no longer naughty "Arrogant Keun-chan" but a mature adult man.
We asked him this question: You have been in the entertainment bussiness for 25 years since you were a child actor. Please tell us about what has changed and what has never changed.
"What has never changed is my attitude toward my work: I work while playing. (※It means JKS combines business with pleasure.)  What I want to do should come before what I have to do.  Since I was a child, I have worked really hard and tried my best to get the roles I definitely wanted to play.  I also have made thorough studies of the characters I played."
"What has changed.... Ah, I do not do an egosurfing any more. (JKS answered with laughing.)  I was always very concerned about what images people have of Jang Keun Suk, but now I believe that is what I have to make as a singer as well as an actor.  I have realized how important it is I would not regret when I look at myself and can be confident in myself."
In the lyrics of his new song "My wish" there is a significant line "Even when we cannot meet, you live life your own way. "
"She is exactly my type of woman.  Even though I cannot see her, my heart is always with her.  If I live in South Korea and my girlfriend lives in Japan, we can believe and trust each other imagining we are looking at the same sky.  That would be an ideal relationship I believe."
Photo: Baku Kobayashi
※This article is a part of the interview in Josei Seven January 26th 2017 Issue.