「 M a o K i n n e y 」

「 M a o K i n n e y 」

「It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye★」

konnichiwa minna-san!

so i promised to keep you all updated, but i am rubbish at it. (~_~") 
however it's almost about time to post some new pictures of Morita-san! 

haven't seen him for like 5 years almost! (*O*)v 
anyway. pictures are coming soon...! 
ureshii desu! ラブラブラブラブ

i received that dinner a few days ago ^___^
oishii~~~~~ chicken and rice! yum!
so i am living in this shared house of my friend's. i will introduce them shortly. but for now I just wanted to post a blog while Peter is sleeping next to me 😳 i need a little more sleep too. ano... kiotsukete minna-san!

おはよう! ^_______^



www so I woke up at 6am again.

i barely slept last night. because i am moving out of my current flat

i decided to put all my belongings into my old room

and sleep in the spare room. 

悪いアイデア (-_-)

oh well.


it's time to play a bit of PIGG then i shall try to get

some more sleep at some point. 

such a busy weekend ahead.


ja ne!

