国内留学倶楽部ブログ -153ページ目
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Australian summer

Hello Everyone,

We have had quite a bit of rain lately here at Language Village and we are enjoying the fresh autumn air. In Australia, it is warming up, especially in Brisbane, it is 30 degrees celcius and increasing, therefore summer is truly setting in.

Currently, people in Australia would be applying for Christmas holidays and thinking about what they will do over their holiday break. The school children are in their last term of the year, therefore final year testing and practice for Christmas school productions would be underway. The stores would already *no doubt have Christmas items for sale. You would certainly know you are getting closer to the Christmas season.

In Language Village we are enjoying more new students attending our business course on the weekends and a continual flow of students are coming for our week course. We have students *ranging in ages and coming from various areas of Japan, therefore the classes are interesting especially due to *varying view points and opinions *being voiced in the lessons. Our conversations always get me thinking about Australia and what we do back home.

Last week, we had a lot of women interested in learning and revising their grammar, *whilst others were more interested in knowing about different customs involving family life and business life. It is good to have such varying lessons.

Currently, we are getting ready for Halloween with our Bilingual class and the chance to introduce new children to our Bilingual class. It should be a spooky couple of hours.

We hope you are enjoying all of us contributing to the site and keeping you up-to-date with what is happening in Language Village.

Till next time,


*no doubt .....きっと、たぶん

*ranging in ages.....さまざまな年齢層

*varying view points.....さまざまな見解

*being voiced .....発言されている


Autumn is here

Hello all again,

Well, the seasons are here and Autumn has *dawned on us again. The leaves are changing colour, the wind is changing, and the days are becoming cooler. I, like many other lucky people have managed to pick up a cold with this weather and I am not really enjoying it as much as I should. The seasons here in Japan are a wonderful sight. In northern Australia, we get only two seasons of the wet and the dry. The wet is usually from November to March and it rains quite heavily in this period. The dry is from April to October and we hardly have any rain at all. So the change in seasons and trees, plants, animal and insect life are really a great experience for us.

We have seven students here this week and they are all feeling the cold. Our lessons are going well and we are trying a lot of new ways of teaching with the help of Brian and Claude, two professors from Tokyo. We are learning a lot about the way that language is a *foundation of your upbringing and that language has a rhythm and beat within it. This flow comes so naturally to a native speaker that they hardly recognize it themselves but it lives inside the people speaking it. See if you can notice the beat next time you hear someone speaking English to you. I won’t go on too much about it but, I would love to show you all when you come.

I hope you all have a wonderful day and enjoy the season that is *upon us. Don’t forget to keep warm and prevent the season from giving you a cold like it gave me.

`Till next week,



*foundation of your upbringing.... しつけ、教育、育て方、生い立ちによって築かれるもの

*upon.....~の上に "on"の方が口語的














                               秋山 昌広

Mt. Fuji Report

Hello everyone!!

First of all, my name is CHIKA TAKEUCHI and I started working at Language Village in August, soon after Language Village moved to Fuji city. I am from Hamamatsu city so, I don't know much about this place yet. What I have noticed is that, MT.FUJI is SOOOO different each and every single day! It is never the same. Unfortunately...today is a foggy day so I can't see it (><)

I will report to you about Mt.Fuji so please look forward to next Saturday(^^)

はじめまして!Language Village 8月のリニューアルオープン時に浜松から引っ越してきました、竹内 智香 と申します。よろしくお願いします☆新しいLanguage Village ではフロントで予約の受付などを担当しています。生徒さんや先生と一緒にご飯も食べ、一緒に楽しく会話をしたりしています。

まだ富士市民になって間もないですが、富士山が本当に毎日違う顔を見せることに驚きました!こちらに住んでいる方は、毎日飽きるくらい見ているだろう...と勝手に思っていましたが、雲のかかり具合、太陽の当たり具合や角度、湿度などによっても富士山の色なども微妙に違ってみえます。ときどき大きさまで違う気もします!本当に毎日、昨日とは違った富士山を見れるのが今の楽しみです★あいにく、本日は霧がひどくて見えませんが...皆さんもLanguage Village にお越しいただく際は富士山も楽しみにしていて下さい!毎週土曜日、富士山レポートをしますので、お楽しみに♪

Japanese Adventure

Welcome to Language Village,

My name is Penny. At Language Village (LV) you can learn and improve your English through conversation. I really enjoy talking to all of the LV students about Japanese culture and the differences between our beautiful countries.

Recently, Chika (LV receptionist) and I went on a shopping adventure in Korea, it was fantastic!!

Chika introduced me to kimuchi, it was delicious.

I love living in Japan, the people, the food, the culture and environment are all new and exciting to me as I have only been here since July.

During my stay in Japan, I would really love to go snow boarding so I am looking forward to winter.

Talk to you soon,


Whispers of Brad

Hello everyone,

When most people come to Language Village(LV) they are so worried about their English ability and speaking that they are very shy, but by coming to LV they have already done so much in making a commitment to improving their second language. Once they meet the staff and enter the gates they realize that this place is an escape from reality where mistakes are not frowned upon but are used to guide the individuals learning and development.

I have only been in Japan since July so I am preparing for my first winter in 12 months. When I left Australia it was still summer and very dry so I am not used to all of the rain we have had here. It might be strange but even the typhoon and earthquakes were a new thing for me and I found this experience exciting, even though I know they can be so dangerous.

I am recovering from a sore leg but, it was good as I was able to experience your very effective and generous health system as I found it very cheap yet the doctor was very informative (once Mark translated it).

Till next time,


Friendships and Family

Hello everyone,

We are now moving into Autumn and we here at Language Village have especially noticed the change in weather. In Australia it is not so noticeable. The top end of Australia stays warm all year round whilst the southern end experiences the changing seasons.

We have been extremely lucky since our move to Obuchi, Fuji. We have continued to meet amazing Japanese people, who have been eager to broaden their English knowledge and leave here wanting to learn more. I feel fortunate to have met so many interesting Japanese people since I begun here at Language Village.

I have also been lucky to watch new friendships begin and continue to grow outside of Langauge Village. These people are able to develop hopefully long lasting friendships and continue working on their English through emails, phone calls and meetings.

For all our past students, Mark, Jack and I are getting ready for a new addition to the Andersen family in January. Therefore, we look forward to new and past students to come and visit our growing family. Take care.


Welcome all to our new Web Log

Dear all,

Well, do I have a lot to share with all of you out there. Firstly, welcome to our new 'Web Log'. This area is like a diary that we will update each day. You can see what is happening here in Language Village and see what is happening with your teachers and friends here at Language Village. We are all excited about the new changes here and know that here we will be able to provide you with everything you need to improve your language skills.

O.K., where to start?

Now for those of you who don’t know, WE HAVE MOVED!!!

We are now situated in a large building in Obuchi, Fuji.

Everything from the old building in Narusawa is out and this new place is up and running. We have moved into a large building with 5 floors, that is much larger than our place at Narusawa. We have more teachers, friends and staff to help you with all of your needs at Language Village. We have a tennis court, table tennis room, billiards, lots more fun and more space to learn.

We are interested in meeting all of our old friends again and seeing all of you who visit our site and haven’t yet had the opportunity to make it here yet. We have a lot more people wanting to come to the new place so get your bookings in as soon as you can as places are filling up fast, especially in the school holidays. For those of you who are able to make it in the times in between the holidays, I recommend it. As there are usually fewer people and more teacher time to ask your language questions. We can’t wait to see you all.

Lessons are going great and now with four teachers it means we have more ideas and more inspiration for our lessons. We have developed new lessons that are more fun and that all of our students love and are getting terrific benefit from language wise. All of our classes are verbally based or designed to help you to learn to speak naturally and fluently. This is something that you cannot learn from a book but here you have teachers along side you more than 8 hrs a day to assist you and help you to learn.

We have recently had school groups through, university students wanting to brush up their skills, as well as English teachers who want to practice, also those of you who want to learn English to travel or are learning it as a hobby. People of all ages come to visit and stay with us here at Language Village so we hope that you can come and visit us here too.

The weather has been strange recently and summer is passing quicker than expected and the cool is here sooner than expected. We have had typhoons, earthquakes, rain, hot and sticky humidity as well as fine and beautiful days. The clouds have unfortunately blocked our view of Mt. Fuji recently but occasionally we get a peak at the mountain and it is as beautiful and magnificent as ever.

As for our travel news we have recently visited Aichi Expo and saw a lot of the pavilions. Although the lines were long, and there were so many people, the experience was amazing. We didn’t get to see the technology pavilions, or the mammoth, or the Japan pavilion but, we saw many of the smaller pavilions entries and thought that they were just spectacular. The countries were divided up into their continents and it actually felt as if you were traveling the world. Our feet felt as though we had walked around the earth but, it was worth it.

I will leave it there for this week and look forward to talking to you again next week. Bye for now and we are all looking forward to seeing you soon.

Till next week,

Mark Andersen


Language Village HPをごらんの皆様こんにちは、今日明日はマークの日記の第一弾までのつなぎとしてLanguage Villageの新パンフレット完成についてお知らせします。







                         Language Village 事業部長 秋山 昌広


皆様、ご機嫌いかがでしょうか?私は合宿制英会話学校Language Villageの秋山昌広と申します。

おかげさまでLanguage VillageのHPもリニューアルされまして従来にもまして私たちLanguage Villageの活動を皆様にわかりやすくご説明できるようになったと思っております。


今まで、Language Villageの常連様から多くのメールをいただいておりますが講師もほとんど一日中レッスンをしておりますのでなかなかお一人お一人にご返事することができずに申し訳ないと思っておりました。



スタッフがLanguage Villageでの出来事や考えていることを日替わりで日記として皆様にお伝えしていきます。


どうぞLanguage Villageのブログ、「ヴィレッジ通信」をよろしくお願いします。

Language Village事業部長 秋山昌広

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