KEYS CAFE KYOTO キーズカフェ京都八坂の塔

KEYS CAFE KYOTO キーズカフェ京都八坂の塔


Burugariya семейство какво ви посещение. Сега е в случая са в Виетнам от Сайгон. Това беше много хубаво семейство. Моля се насладите на Киото.
Burugariya family whats your visit. Now is the case are in the Vietnam of Saigon. It was a very nice family. Please enjoy Kyoto.
Also Higashiyama Kyoto, was completely emptied of autumn. It is about time autumn leaves 🍁 season. Please do come and visit us.
Auch Higashiyama Kyoto, wurde komplett von Herbst entleert. Es wird Zeit, Blätter im Herbst 🍁 Saison. Bitte kommen Sie und besuchen Sie uns.
It is the customer from Hawaii. Because I also may be performed several times, it was excitement in the story of Hawaii. There was a gift of chocolate from two people. Thank you very much.
Two people of rickshaws gave me stopped to drink espresso. It is very handsome tall to two people both. Also Please do its best to work today.
It is our customers from Nagoya. It is the customer also who visit us before. It was to say that cafe you want to stop by all means in Kyoto. Thank you very much.
한국에서의 고객입니다. 두 번째 내점에서 이번에는 엄마와 함께 와서주었습니다. 매우 사이였습니다.
It is our customers from South Korea. In the second time of your visit, this time came together with the mother. It was a very good friend.
ومن هو العميل من اسرائيل. وفيما يعجب برج ياساكا، كنا تتمتع الوقت بطيئا. كنت أقول أنه من مقهى جميل جدا.
It is the customer from Israel. While admiring the tower of Yasaka, we were enjoying a slow time. I was saying that it is a very nice cafe.
ومن هو العميل من اسرائيل. جئت إلى اليابان في شهر العسل، وهذا حق هناك لمدة أسبوع في كيوتو. يسعدني جدا فن اتيه من المعبد المكون من خمسة طوابق. أجمل التمنيات.
It is the customer from Israel. I came to Japan in the honeymoon, that's right there for a week in Kyoto. Me very happy the latte art of the five-story pagoda. Best wishes.
ومن هو العميل من اسرائيل. تلقينا طلبك لاتيه من حليب الصويا. موقع جيد، كان كافيه لاتيه سعيد أن أقول إن لذيذ أيضا. يرجى التمتع مشاهدة المعالم السياحية في كيوتو.
It is the customer from Israel. We received your order a latte of soy milk. Location good, caffe latte was also happy to say that tasty. Please enjoy the sightseeing in Kyoto.
Osanatomodachi told me to stop by with his son's. In the same world as the father is so have a job. It is a wonderful parent and child.