”Colnago Master Track 1979 Prottype”
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t o d a y の t o d a y-”Colnago Master Track 1979 Prottype”.jpg

t o d a y の t o d a y-”Colnago Master Track 1979 Prottype”.jpg

t o d a y の t o d a y-”Colnago Master Track 1979 Prottype”.jpg

Ernesto Colnago:

We built that bike for a Russian sprinter (Rapp?); to test the position and the overall concept but unfortunately there just wasn’t time to develop this further for the track worlds.

However, this same concept was developed into the bike that the Russian 100km TTT squad used. (1980 Olympic Champions; Kashrin, Logvin, Chelpakov, Jarkin in 2:01:27.07.) We built a frame that was similar to this with a 26in front wheel and the handlebars were welded on to the fork crown and they won at over 50km/hr average speed!”

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