ペンギンパレード2014夏! -Penguin Parade 2014 Summer! | とりのアメブロ




今日は作家のみなさんも来場され、購入したエコバッグにサインを入れていただきました♪ 著名な方々なのに、気さくにお話をしていただけるのが嬉しい限りです~。また、多くのペンギン仲間とも再会できたのも嬉しかったです!



Good evening, this is Tori's writing. Today the practice was not held in Odawara, so I went to Ninombashi Takashimaya department store to see the event 'Penguin Parade 2014 Summer'!

Today the artists also came there and write their names to a reusable shopping bag which I bought there!! They are very famous but very friendly :-). Also I was happy to see many friends of penguins!

There is a common keyword 'PENGUIN' and many friends are thinking about them...I can't explain about my thinking, but......I am very happy!! :-)

Thanks very much for all people who met me today!!


< The Hunboldt Penguins at Tokyo Sea Life Park on August 16. There is no explanation about this picture! >