
Hellooooo, I've left my blog for a while.. But I'm quite good recently! 



今日は、やっとFermoy Estateのワインについて。。k

本当に、キュンとする味がする魅力的なワインが多いFermoy Estateなんですが、まずは、、


Question: Is there any meaning behind the design of the Fermoy Estate wine label?

特にはありませんが、エレガントかつワインの質の良さを感じてもらえるようにデザインされています。このサークルは、まさにFermoy Estateを表現していて、自分たちでブドウを育て、製造過程を経てワインを造り上げる一貫性を表現しています。とっておきのワインだと言う事がラベルからも感じてもらえるはずです。

Answer: Not really. They are really designed to be elegant and give you the impression of quality. The Circle represents the complete nature of Fermoy. It represents the fact that we grow our own grapes, press our own fruits and make our own wines. Its a complete package. It is really designed to reflect the fact that this is a very premium quality product.

もし、Fermoy estateのワインの中から二つ選ぶとすれば、どのワインを選びますか?

Question: If you could pick two wines from your winery, what would they be?


Answer: I get asked this question a lot. It is difficult to pick two because not only do I think all of our wines are fantastic, but also sometimes with wine it depends on the climate and how cold the temperature is. It also depends on the food that you are having. Sometimes a particular wine might be your favourite wine if you are eating steak and you might have a different favourite wine if you are eating seafood. So I like all of our wines and I think they are unique and I don’t think anyone should ever limit themselves to just one. They should try different wines in different ways. But having said that if I had to choose, if you’re going to force me to pick two, I would probably have to chose our Cabernet Sauvignon and Chardonnay. I say that because, these two varieties, the Cabernet and Chardonnay are probably the two most famous varieties in France as well as in Margaret River. These are considered to be the two most prestigious wine varieties and we have had great success with our Cabernet Sauvignon and our Chardonnay. They’re beautiful wines. Our Cabernet Sauvignon was served at the wedding reception of princess Mary so it is something very close to my heart. But they’re just beautiful premium wines. So I would probably pick those two. But I would say to everybody, try different wines in different circumstances because they are all beautiful and some are better with different foods than others.


Question: How did you feel when you discovered that your 2004 Cabernet Sauvignon had been selected as one of the wine pairings at the wedding of Princess Mary?

2004年の彼女の結婚パーティーでサーブしたのは、私たちの2001年のカベルネソーヴィニヨンで作ったワインです。プリンセスの結婚式でサーブするワインとして選ばれたことを初めて聞いた時は、あまりの嬉しさと驚きでいっぱいでした。このような名声ある機会に振舞うにふさわしいプレミアムなワインだと、認められたことを何よりも嬉しく思います。Fermoy estateをさらに魅力的なワイナリーとして持ち上げてくれました。あれから11年経った今でも、このお話を初めて聞いた人は感激してくれますし、これほどに人を感動させ、人の心に残る出来事はないと思います。

Answer: It was the 2001 Cabernet Sauvignon which was served at her official wedding reception which was in 2004. When I first found out, I was like everybody else who first hears the story,. I was amazed and thrilled, obviously. I was amazed because I think it just highlights the fact that it must be a premium wine to be served at such a prestigious occasion. It also put Fermoy Estate on the global stage being served at such a prestigious event such as Princess Mary’s Weedding. Even now, 11 years on from the day of Princess Mary’s wedding, when people first hear the story they’re amazed and nothing has more power to impress people than the fact that it was served at the wedding. It is such an honour to have that bestowed upon you, it is fantastic.

わたしも、Fermoy estateのカベルネソーヴィニヨンをティスティングさせてもらいましたが、それほど重たくなく、果実味をしっかり感じられる本当に上品な味わいでした!芯はしっかりありますが重くなりすぎずいつまでも、フレッシュに軽快に甘酸っぱく。。
