




クラッカー A Happy New Year to everyone! 雪だるま I haven't posted here in a while, oops. Sadly the Pink Panda doesn't seem to be a band anymore. キティちゃん×汗 However, Chigi-chan will be playing Oscar in the Rose of Versailles next month ビックリ I wish I could go see the show so badly. Also, Tacchin is having a salon concert next month. I'm so excited that she's going to keep working, or at least is getting her own concert. ラブラブ

I got two reijou from Chigi-chan recently, one from ParaPuri and one for New Years! キラキラ She is so kakkoii! キラキラ

I should go to sleep now, but I'm charging my new MP3 player! iPod It's not actually an iPod, nor is it actually new, but my room-mate got a new iPod and gave me her old one, which is only a little over a year old. I named it Fantasista since Sora Fantasista is my favourite revue. 音譜

キティちゃん×汗 I really wish I'd been able to see 殉情, since it was the first バウホール lead for ちぎちゃん, and as we know now, the last lead for たっちん. 汗

I am so happy someone put up the digest! I love the music from it! 音符 I am going to get the mp3s from iTunes soon! ipod
I just sent an email to a friend who lives in Japan and I hope she will be able to order some PinPan goods for me off their website! パンだ Wハート

I really want the wristband, probably the green and black one, and some of the stickers. ドクロ I'd love to get some of the t-shirts but I think they would be too small on me.

Hopefully I can go see them live if I go to Japan this winter びっくりィィ!!

And now I'm off to bed! きのこ (^з^)-☆Chu!!

My name is Jenn, I'm 25, I live in California, USA, and don't really speak any Japanese yet. 汗But my room-mate is helping me learn, and I'm almost done learning hiragana!

My two favorite things right now are the Takarazuka Revue , and THE PINK☆PANDA! From Takarazuka I like Sagiri Seina (早霧せいな) and from PinPan I like F チョッパー KOGA! ラブラブ