Report in June | 長久手☆天白区 バランスボール Kayo's

長久手☆天白区 バランスボール Kayo's

Fun balance ball exercises for all

Thank you for visiting my blog
I'm Kayo and instructor of balance ball exercise.
How have you been doing in Japan?

Here are my lesson report if you are interested

Jun. 5th
Lesson at Fukuro no Ouchi
It's mother and baby support group
I give balance ball lesson in the group once a month


Two of them brought two months’ old babies
Surprisely, they were born in a same day!!
they talked about babies a lot and become friends
such a nice place

We had kind of slow exercise lesson
sometime they held babies and bounce

Jun. 12th
Lesson at Fukuro Jyosaninn (women's health center)
First time to have balance ball exercises and
mini English conversation class

Using leg muscles a lot while holding babies
sang a English songs while exercising
July 7th are coming soon
so we sang "twinkle twinkle little stars"

Jun. 14th
Lesson at Yoga AMA in Hongo

They joined last month lesson and
Happily came back to the lesson in this month

Adorable their babies were very good girls again
Their moms laughed and enjoyed new steps
We also tried brain fitness program too

Jun. 18th
Lesson at studio Forest park

One of them tried balance ball exercise
at AEON MALL Nagakute
that is how they know our lesson

talked about what they want
they wanted lose their weight
so had exercise harder than usual

when they had kind of hard time to copy
my steps and arms exercises
it made them laugh and enjoyed even more

At last they told me that they had fun
Shoulder stiffness were released

They made reservation for July too
Thank you very much

Stress causes autonomic nerve disorder
Aerobic exercise is good way to correct automatic nervous system
Balance ball exercise is one of the best way for an aerobic exercise
Here they are in Nagakute very close to AEON Mall
easy access from Nagoya or Toyota
If you are intersted, please check


Thank you for reading