A Week Passed since then あれから1週間が過ぎ... | NAKO's English Quotes 英語の名言集

A Week Passed since then あれから1週間が過ぎ...

More than one week has passed since the devastating earthquake and tsunami on March 11. 

But it remains unclear when the victims will be able to start rebuilding their lives, raising fears that their temporary stay at shelters may be prolonged.

That's because there is the critical fact that where future of the Fukushima Daiich nuclear power plant is going, which is also one of factors to keep away from villages or cities they lived.

I'm now deeply hurt by the full horror of what is unfolding in the devastated sites.

I'd like to offer my sincerest condolences to those who have lost loved ones in this event. 

You know, Osaka located in western Japan is mostly the area of usual my business activity and inhabited by me.

Therefore currently we don't have any inconvenient matter without some problems, let's say, no battery in the shop.

I heard of current situation of Tokyo that there is almost no groceries, things like toilet paper and essential goods to buy anywhere.

I also do think, following commentators' terms on TV, the most important thing we can do for the people suffering from shortage of everything they need is "to keep usual life."