Rael Maitreya




We harvest what we vibrate to. This is a basic physical principle.
We are like a small pebble that we throw into the water and that emits waves to the shore ... once it reaches the shore, the waves come back ...
Everything you feel and send "into the universe" inevitably comes back to you. If you send out fear vibrations, anything that feeds that fear will come back to you like a boomerang.
If you send out anger, rage, hate, then you will reap what will keep you in that state of being. But if you send gratitude, love, joy, then anything that can promote this state will also fall into place.
When you are at the top of a cliff and shout the musical note "Do" (C) what echoes back to you is neither the note "re" (D) nor "mi" (E) but only
"Do do do do" (C) .....
So when negative emotions cross through you, welcome them, become aware, thank them for showing you that there is something in you to change, then modify your "frequency" as you would turn the dial to change the radio station. ....
CHOOSE with CONSCIOUSNESS the impulse you want to give to your life! And VIBRATE !! 
-Claire Desmontforts







自身の人生に与えたい誘発要因を、意識的選択してください! そして、振動を発するのです!!
~Claire Desmontforts