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Gravé Georges is with Jade Marley.
And you would like to give up  で、あきらめてしまうの?

3 times, Steven Spielberg has been failed in his cinema studies.


5 Publishing houses refused to publish Harry Potter.
26 refused tim ferris his "week of 4 hours".
301 banks laughed at Walt Disney's nose and his idea of theme park.
1000 ways allowed Edison to "don't" make a bulb before finding how to make one.
2000 attempts are necessary for a baby to succeed his first steps.

5126 prototypes allowed James Dyson to create the vacuum cleaner without a bag.

We all have moments of discouragement and when we see striking achievements we always tend to omit the difficulties that people have been able to have before arriving there. You can doubt, have soft strokes, but you have to go back, practice, move forward, again and always..





彼はもう一度試み、そして再び拒絶された。 これは私達が話しているスティーブンスピルバーグです - 新しいハリウッド世代の最も著名な映画製作者!
