自分のFacebook から今すぐ削除すべき13のこと


2018年1月現在、2億3千万のユーザーがFacebook には居る。これは世界一のソーシャルメデイア・ネットワーク

As of January 2018, it is estimated that Facebook has approximately 230 million users, making it the biggest social media network across the globe. It is a place where we connect with family, friends and loved ones regardless of how far away they may be – sharing photographs, stories, and life updates all in one convenient, easy to use location.


Unfortunately, as the platform grew in popularity, there were a number of potential privacy risks that came to light for those that used it. These often-overlooked points of concern may


open the door for child predators, con artists, and identity thieves, or they may tarnish your reputation online threatening future relationships or employment opportunities. While there is no social media platform free from risk, recognizing and understanding these points will empower you to take the necessary steps to protect yourself.




