
08/06 Amsterdam - Netherlands : Melkweg

10/06 Cologne - Germany : Werkstatt

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Back from Takadanobaba Area :D
the concert was fun , even so I was a bit disappointed by The Fool, but well they were nice and Gunji actually recognized us :D

...now...comes the epicness !!!
The first Band was Siell Raive ( we didn't know them before)...thy had like...2 fans? so we joined the "crowd" and to be honest they sounded REALLY nice, and they tried so hard to get the Fans excited (we felt kinda sorry for them) during their last song even the Vocal jumped off the Stage and walked up to the fans to make them come closer to the stage.! (we were pretty shocked when he suddenly stand next to us)

After their gig we were just standing around, waiting for the fool to come on stage when suddenly one of their guitarists CAME TO US (O_o) and started talking to us...
We were so shocked that we couldn't even react in the first few seconds but after some time we decided to buy some chekis since nobody was buying anything from them... He actually waited until we got the wallets out of our bags and accompanied us to the stand where some of them were sitting to sell their merch...
Uhm and... the cutest thing ever was that they signed the chekis after you'd bought them which meant that you could spend quite some time with them...
So we kept standing around with them after the fool was finished and they kept talking to us about random things, trying to speak English as much as possible...
They were just too nice and talkative that they came back to us for a few more times after we'd talked to them first...
Even when we stood 'outside' (in the entrance room) they came over to us to talk...
they wanted us to come to their next live but unfortunately it's on the day when we're back in Germany (on the 11th) >_<...
Too bad that we had to say that we cannot come but they were VERY happy anyway (we also asked them if they've got Ameba and they seemed so excited about this *haha* *just added them at Ameba btw... xP*) ...
It almost seemed like they were the ones who stalked us and not the other way around XDDD (I swear it was unbelievable... they took every chance to get in touch with us even if it was just opening the door for us ww)...

YEAH that's it OMG we're just too flashed *haha*
Truly TOO epic ♥

...last thing.........GOT A CHECKI WITH PERSONAL SIGNATURE !!!!


we are invited to a traditional Japanese dinner....
sounds like fun but I'm really worried about the food and everything
strange isn't it :D?

well we will go at around 7pm dunno when we will be back (*^ー^)ノ

...gonna try drawing Rui now, 'cause I need to finish it till the 8th of April

...honey is working on Kazuki of course xD

see ya later 

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