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First of all, Multivariate Statistical Analysis is the specialized subject that we need to know the basic math. Unfortunately, I’m not good at linear algebra which would be the basic knowledge of this subject. In other words, I didn’t have enough assumption of that. The problem is that I don’t recognize the alphabet means either “a vector” or “a matrix” in short time, which might be related to this assumption. I’ve heard that human beings have decided the impression of the object in a few seconds when they see something. This doesn’t imply everything about Multivariate Statistical Analysis, but I think that I just happened to imagine the complicated thing when I first leaned this subject.

Secondly, there’re many ways of analysis. That is to say, there’re various kinds of the statistical data and the method for analysis (ex. Factorization, analysis for principal component and so on,) so it is very difficult to make a decision for the best way. In order to make the decision, I think that the amount of study is more important than the understanding of the theory of Multivariate Statistical Analysis.

Finally, I think that the great amount of calculation would be the reason. It is the general thinking that Multivariate Statistical Analysis needs the great amount of calculation, because this subject developed rapidly after the spread of computers. Because of the great amount of calculation, it is not easy to understand by using my hand and taking notes.

In conclusion, the thing I find Multivariate Statistical Analysis difficult is the lack of “experience” and practice. “Experience” means the process of knowing the characteristics of Multivariate Statistical Analysis and putting into my head. If I complete these two things, which would be great help to master this useful subject.

If you're interested in Lady Gaga,

you've already known that she's going to have concerts in Japan

in April 13th(Kobe), 18th & 19th(Yokohama).

Since I watched her performance in "Summer Sonic 09,"

I'm eager to get the ticket !!!

Has anyone had already got the ticket ???

I've applied twice, but failed both.

So, I'm waiting for the next result for the April 18th,

which would be my last chance to get it.

See you and have a happy new year !!!