Many thanks to those who dropped by yesterday!
Wishing you a very special Christmas and a happy new year...


Practice = Not Performance@Microsoft (*)

Date: December 22, 2011
Time: 6:30pm-7:15pm-ish
Place: Building #2 Meeting Room 14366
(right next to Hon's office – dare he!?)

Dr.T.Sakai, an amateur singer/songwriter, will sing and strum his guitar in a MSRA meeting room and you are welcome to attend. This is not a concert but just a practice session made public. Therefore he is allowed to make mistakes. He might even do the same song twice or stop halfway to try to play better.
He hasn't done any serious songwriting for many years so this time he will play some songs by famous professional artists, such as Burt Bacharach, Paul McCartney, The Beach Boys and Coldplay.
P=NP@MS will feature no more than ten songs and will probably be about forty minutes.


Dr.T.Sakai formed a band in high school many years ago. He also started writing his original songs and performing them in his bands. The idea was to get the girls' attention, which never actually worked. In his college years, he sent demo tapes to a few Japanese record companies. They turned him down. One record company man commented: "Why the hell are your lyrics in English?" Even after that, he occasionally performed at clubs in Tokyo before joining MSRA in 2009. His recent singles include The MSRA Anthem, written together with Dr.H.-W.Hon.

FOOTNOTE (*): This is actually a rather clever title as "Performance@Microsoft " is the internal website used by MS employees for performance assessment. The acronym P=NP is equally clever, methinks.



You've Got To Hide Your Love Away (Lennon/McCartney)
Every Night (McCartney)
This Guy's In Love With You (Bacharach/David)
She's Got A Way (Joel)
I Get Along (Tennant/Lowe)
Yellow (Berryman/Buckland/Champion/Martin)
Why Does It Always Rain On Me? -- God Only Knows (Healy -- Wilson/Asher)
Wonderful Christmastime (McCartney)