Anti security bill movements such as local assemblies' resolutions and citizens' rallies and demonstrations are now spreading all across Japan. Approval rates of the Abe Cabinet have plunged after they had forcefully passed security bills in the lower house of the Japanese Parliament.

Japan's democratization should always start and accumulate from local areas and ultimately ensure an establishment of democratic central government. We need to establish this as a tradition of Japan's democracy for the sake of coming generations.

And, if the Japanese people succeed in eliminating ultra-right politicians such as Sinzo Abe through democratic processes, it would have remarkable effects toward neighboring countries.

In other words, if the Japanese people succeed in blocking resurgence of fascism and protecting people's rights and freedoms through democratic principles such as federalism, freedom of assembly, freedom of expression, and free press, it would have enormous impacts toward democratic movements of neighboring countries,

China is watching Japan carefully. For example, Deng Xiaoping asserted that China should learn from Japan's economy. Also, having Chinese letters as a common basis, China learned from Japanese laws especially in the area of civil and commercial laws.

However, in the area of politics, China, having witnessed Soviet Unions' failed experiments of glasnost and perestroika, decided to consolidate their one party dictatorial system.

If Japan, under the Abe administration, fully implements the Specific Secret Act and send the Japanese Self Defense Forces aggressively to overseas areas, China would guard against Japan and concentrate more powers to the Chinese Communist Party and the People's Liberation Army.

In contrast, if Japan succeeds in eliminating ultra-right politicians and blocking fascism through healthy democratic processes, China would reappraise democracy as a positive political system that leads to stabilization of a society.

Japan's democratization should always start and accumulate from local areas and ultimately ensure an establishment of democratic central government. We need to establish this as a tradition of Japan's democracy for the sake of coming generations.

And, Japan, as a good neighbor, should demand and recommend diplomatically toward China that China should protect fundamental human rights and foster democracy gradually because it would ensure stabilization and prosperity of China herself and contribute to peace of Asia in a long term perspective.

Democratic movements have "snowballing" or demonstration effects toward neighboring countries. China's democratization would not be made through some political conspiracies nor plots. Instead, China's democratization would be realized gradually through setting good examples for her.

Thank you.

(1) Democracy's Good Name: The Rise and Risks of the World's Most Popular Form of Government, Michael Mandelbaum, August 14, 2007, PublicAffairs

(2) The Third Wave: Democratization in the Late 20th Century, Samuel P. Huntington, March 15, 1993, University of Oklahoma Press

Any views or opinions presented above are solely those of the author and do not represent those of any organizations or political parties.














(1) Democracy's Good Name: The Rise and Risks of the World's Most Popular Form of Government, Michael Mandelbaum, August 14, 2007, PublicAffairs

(2) The Third Wave: Democratization in the Late 20th Century, Samuel P. Huntington, March 15, 1993, University of Oklahoma Press

註記: 上記の見解は、私個人のものであり、いかなる団体あるいは政党の見解をも反映するものではありません。