◆Bluesky Heartiness◆               -青空のような おもてなしー

◆Bluesky Heartiness◆               -青空のような おもてなしー


在日外国人への「生活サポートサービス」 と 外国人旅行者への「Tokyo Enjoy Support Service」で、もっと 楽しい 日本を目指します。 ジャンヌの奮闘ブログ

Life is too short to sweat the small stuff !!星


I update this blog as much as I can.



Today, I went to a golf course in Ibaraki.

Jeanne’s Blog-ジャンヌの日記-golfcart

Actually, I got up 5 a.m. This was because I went with my husband's golf friends ,who were all over 45 years old.

Therefore, my husband had to pick two members up on the way by our car.

His golf friends are all crazy about golf. As a result, they all have knowledges about golf. In addition, they practice so hard, so they are fond of and good at teaching it others. Fourtunately, I am only female member today. Moreover, even my age, which you never know how old I am, I am a youngest one among them. I could take a lot of private lessons from them by freeチョキ.

However, don't ask me about today's my score.

Good nightパー

Jeanne’s Blog-ジャンヌの日記-golf fashion


Jeanne’s Blog-ジャンヌの日記-golfcart

なんと、朝5時起きです。 というのも・・・旦那さまのゴルフ仲間と一緒に行ってきたんす。他のメンバーはみんな45歳以上の年上の方々ばかり。


旦那さまのゴルフ仲間はみんな、ゴルフ大好きで・・・ゴルフについてたくさん勉強しています。つまり・・たくさん練習していて、 他の人に教えるのも好きで、得意なのであります。




Jeanne’s Blog-ジャンヌの日記-golf fashion


Sometimes I feel difficult to believe myself.

At that time, I am trying to face my thoughts and myself throughly.

In these days, fortunately, I have more opportunities to have a conversation with people who are familiar with all kinds of fields.

Ceartainly, I can get various advice and view points. However, I sometimes have questions about them. Rather than questions, I am likely to doubt my opinion or intention.

But whenever I feel so, I convince myself that there are nobody if I don't believe my possibility and my instinct.

If I was going to regret, it was much better to try what I wanted to do rather than abandoning some new challenges by following others opinions. This is because that's my life, right?

Perhaps, seccess is whether I continue on believing myself.

I would like to move forward with a lot of efforts that are necessary to achieve my goal since I don't want to give up my dreamチョキ.



もちろん、さまざまなアドバイスや、視点をお聞きすることができます。 でも、時々、疑問を持つこともあります。

疑問というよりとか、『自分の意見』とか、『自分のやりたいこと』 に自信がなくなりそうになるのです。


もし、将来、後悔するなら、誰かの意見に従って、挑戦することをあきらめるより、自分のやりたいことをやった方がずっといい。 だって、私の人生ですもんね。


やりたいことをするために、たくさん努力をして・・・前に進んでいきたい。 途中で 夢をあきらめたくないと思ったのでしたチョキ

Title: A Report Of My Mini Session & A Meeting With Wonderful Womens.


It is too late, but I am going to report on last weekends' my first session and reunion party with my peers.

What I feel whenever the meeting with my peers of the female entreprenuer school finishes is that I would like to talk with them more. This time is also no exception.

For this meeting, we used a sweet room in the hotel, New Otani Makuhari, so the atomospher
was so gogeous and the view from windows were very special. We could see blue sea and sky and beutiful sunset.

In addition, Three mini seminars were provided by graduated students of the female entreprenure school. You know, one of them was mine.

<The agenda of the mini seminars>
1:Smart Women's Secrets of beauty vol.1- About image consulting- by sasakiyo
2: The training of telling skill :Let's tell the image of a photo by words only.- by Megumu
3:My session- "How to produce a good environment which you can achieve your goal.
-The mysterious relationship between Sales strategy and Marriage life"

The atomosphere was like this.
Jeanne’s Blog-ジャンヌの日記-work1

Jeanne’s Blog-ジャンヌの日記-workshop2

At the first session, the instructor, sasakiyo, judged the personal color. It is very embarassing but I realized importance of knowing my personal color that makes me look better for the first timethe .

I will follow the advice from sasakiyo. According to her, the personal color seems to work effectively to hide wrinkles on the faces.

That's so great.!!!

About Megumi's one, she always produce an interesting session. She makes us remember basic things like this topic. I realised the importance of expressing by words again.

Thanks Megumi.

Sorry I made a long article again, so I will update about my session later.



今回は、 ニューオータニ幕張の スウィートルーム を使わせて頂きました。






1:デキル女上げ上げ の綺麗のヒミツ その1-イメージコンサルティングについて・・・ sasakiyoさん


3:私のセミナーー『「やりたい事」を手に入れる環境づくり ー営業戦略と結婚生活の不思議な関係ー』

Jeanne’s Blog-ジャンヌの日記-work1

Jeanne’s Blog-ジャンヌの日記-workshop2


恥ずかしいんですけどガーン・・・外見をよりよく見せてくれるという 「パーソナルカラー」を知ることの大切さに初めて気づきした。チョキ 








Just now, I finished making the materials for tomorrow's my session目チョキ.

Jeanne’s Blog-ジャンヌの日記-handout

Moreover, I have prepared two versions of questionaries.チョキ I worked so hard.
One is about this seminar, another is about travelling.

I guess you think why I will ask about travelling, don't you?

Originally, I would liket to provide some better information or tour plans for foreign tourists in order to promote distinguishing Japan or Japanese more.

I come up with this idea to ask my peers of the female entreprenuer school by my original questionarie. Don't you think this is a good one?

I am going to get honest feedback from my peers. I want to refer to consider my future business plnas.

However, I am still worrying about my session.
Jeanne’s Blog-ジャンヌの日記-handout






Title: I am close to fix the content of mini seminar.


Following yesterday, I was stuck in a cafe to brainstorm about my first mini session.

Jeanne’s Blog-ジャンヌの日記-cafe

Then, I barely am getting close to fix the content. Now, I can imagine the flow of the seminar.

The title is......

"How to produce a good environment which you can achieve your goal.
-The mysterious relationship between Sales strategy and Marriage life"

Since I think this oppotunity as a seminar and I am very nervous and come to the ready, I consider this as a chance to exchange opinions with my peersチョキ.

Probably, I am going to move mine forward with taking a few thinking times during this session.

I will forcus my latest awareness to make the change of my mindset by using my biography.

I wonder whether my session will succeed in. Anyway, I will prepare handouts from now.

昨日に引き続き、初めての「ミニセミナー」について 考えるために カフェに、こもりました。

Jeanne’s Blog-ジャンヌの日記-cafe

そして、なんとか、その内容が大体決まってきました。 今は、「セミナーの流れ」 も 見えてきています。


『「やりたい事」を手に入れる環境づくり ー営業戦略と結婚生活の不思議な関係ー』

なんだか、この機会を 「セミナー」とかって思うと 緊張して、身構えてしまうので、 仲間との意見交換の場として、考えることにしました。チョキ

2-3回の [Thinking time]を取りながら 進めていくつもりです。

自分の今までの 生活を振り返りながら、私の考え方を変えてくれた 最近の「気づき」に焦点を絞っていこうとおもいます。

どうなることやら・・・ とにかく、これから、配布資料づくりです。