
Hello! This is Aya at the International Exchange Lounge at Nakano campus.

夏休みが明け、久しぶりの投稿ですニコニコ 一気に涼しくもみじなりましたが、皆さん、お元気ですか?

It has been awhile since the last postラブラブ! It is getting much coolerもみじ these days. How have you all been?


The event “i-Lunch” was held on Tuesday, September 29th at Nakano Campusおにぎり The participants were from different nationalities, grades, departments. We also welcomed new (fall entrance) international students, so the event had an extra upliftingキラキラ atmosphere.


Feedback from the participants:目


This kind of event is a good opportunity to make friends.


I was happy to talk to students from other departments.


I like the resources available such as new newspapers and opportunity to talk with people.


I thought the snacks and drinks prepared are great.


Have a wonderful day, everyoneグッド!


Every International Exchange Lounge is for all Meiji students. Japanese and international students of any majors are welcome. Please feel free to stop by anytime. I hope to see you there.


<Nakano International Exchange Lounge>

Location: High-rise wing 1F

Nakano Campus Meiji University
開室時間:平日 9:0020:00

Operation Hours: Weekdays  9:00am – 8:00pm
