Workshop of Reading the Books of Messages Given by Another Race of People from Space, & Meditations

Today I went to Nishi-shinjuku to meet with some other Raelians to attend the workshop of praying for the Elohim, our creators, who created the humanity in their image from the synthesized DNA's in a laboratory, meditating, and reading the book written by Maitreya Rael, who was chosen by the Elohim as their last messenger.

Elohim means those who came down from the sky in ancient Hebrew, and it is a plural noun with a singular being "Eloha" meaning "one who came down from the sky".

I arrived at the rendezvous at 11:00 a.m., and we did praying for the Elohim (scientifically speaking, telepathic communication), and began to meditation in three different ways.

At first, we did the meditation called Aom.

This is one of the easiest meditations, and my favorite.
We just have to make one continuous sound of aom in a short time, and then, with the mouth shut, continue to make a sound just before running out of breath. When you are out of breath, you just need to breath in to repeat the above process of making the sound again.

It is so easy to make myself feeling relaxed by this meditation, because this is purely physical. Creating vibrations in the body and brain makes the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus in vertebrates produce endorphin, which resemble the opiates in their abilities to produce analgesia and a feeling of well-being.

It is actually difficult for me to explain it by words, so I recommend that, if you are interested in this kind of meditation, you should definately go to this year's Asian seminar in April/May, 2012 in Okinawa island.

If you want to learn about meditation, you should download sensual meditation from this site for free.

Then, if you still want to try meditation, please come to the seminar in Okinawa this April and May, 2012.

When I make a sound of Aom, I can feel this sound creating vibrations in my whole body, and then, my body starting to vibrate, becoming very tingled, and so light. This sensation then can soon start making myself feeling as if I were floating in the air or ocean.

If I did this meditation every day, it would definitely enhance my health and immune system, but when I get so busy with my work, it is difficult for me to do it every day. Then, I try to get rid of my stress by taking calcium, magnesium, and vitamin D-3. The best thing for me to do is to combine meditation, best diet, and supplements.

Anyway, this is one of my favorite types of meditations.

Then, after the above meditation, we also did another meditation called "Eoim". The method of doing this one was also similar to that of "Aom", however, the effects were slightly different from each other, however, this slight difference was so good and comfortable.

The book - "Sensual Meditation" written by Maitreya Rael, explains how it works scientifically as well as the methods of meditation techniques.

When I do this meditation, I always try to keep myself comfortable in blankets. When I do this meditation, I can feel hot waves coming inside my body, and by imagining that I am one of the cells in the body and connected with each cell in the body, I can feel so good from starting to feel that I am united as one whole being. Then, when I imagine that I am in the huge universe, I start feeling that I am a part of the universe, which makes me loose even senses to feel that I am here at where I am. This feeling is the greatest feeling that I have ever felt in my life.

It is about 20 years ago that I was listening to Maitreya Rael's lecture about meditation in the Asian semianar in Japan. In this lecture, he told us that in the deepest state of meditation, one does not feel anything physically. This was so impressive. It is just difficult for me to explain how it feels in the meditation, so if you want to know how it feels for you, you must try it in the seminar held once a year in several different places in the world.

There is another meditation, which I love the most - breathing meditation.

meditation to concentrate on breathing....

We did not do breathing meditation today, but I love this one.

It is so easy to do this, because breathing is what you do every day, but at the same time, it is probably the most difficult because you breathing without using your consciousness every second, which is a habit.

I learned this meditation two years ago from Maitreya Rael in a meditation workshop at Kohrindoh temple in Narita city, Chiba prefecture, Japan.

I felt that it was very difficult because I usually breathe without using my consciousness.

During the time when we were doing this, suddenly Rael stood up, pointing to some small windows placed above large ones at the side of the temple, he started to say something to other staff members. Then, I began to wonder why Rael was talking about entirely different thing than meditation. The staff members held a long stick, and began to close or open the window. My mind was occupied by this totally unrelated incident. I just talked to myself in my mind, "what on earth is Rael talking about 'windows' for, while we meditating?"

Then, Maitreya Rael says, "How was your meditation? Could you do this meditation of not thinking about anything else but breathing?" I got caught in this trap!

Then, some other time, I had a chance to do this meditation alone, then, decided to count each time I breathe in from 1 to 10. When I reach 10, then, I must go back to 1, still breathing. This way, I have to concentrate on breathing in order to count from 1 to 10, repeating the cycle of this counting.

If I forget counting the numbers, or realize that I have counted to over 10, this means that my mind was travelling somewhere else than my breathing.

This method helped me very well to concentrate on my breathing.

Then, I did this meditation for about 30 min's, and my mind was blown away by the sensation I had during this meditation.

It was so great. I just cannot explain it by words.

Metaphorically speaking, When I was inhaling, I became one of the particles of the air that went through my throat, and I became one with all those particles of the air going through the throat, and bronchial tubes into the lungs, feeling united with everything. And this whole thing was moving in a slow motion.

Then, I was in a complete silence.

This is so cool!

It was the first time that I have ever felt this sensation.
I experienced the best part of a different type of meditation, but I know that, if I try to continue to do this meditation, the last sensation, which I experienced, would no longer be the best in the future.

After meditations, we had a session of reading the book "The Message Given to Me by Extra-terrestrials."
We read the last part written by Rael, which was the message from the Elohim. I wondered how wonderful it was for me to be alive in the same moment when Maitreya Rael is alive on this planet, understanding the messages from the Elohim, our creators.

If you would like to know about the messages given by the Elohim to Maitreya Rael, please download the free e-books written by him from this site.

I think that the humanity could enter a completely peaceful world, if all the people on the earth did meditation.

At the earliest, the Elohim will officially come back to the earth in 13 years time - 2025.