Hi, friends!!

New scratch card was added on November 24.

How to play Ameba Pigg

Click the "カードを選びなおす"

How to play Ameba Pigg

Click the blue circle

This is....

How to play Ameba Pigg

クリスマス2010 Ver. (Christmas 2010 scratch card).

This card include them.

アメーバピグ スタッフブログ

Santa Claus's boots? floor? wallpaper? window?

Let's scratch!!
This card is the limited card!!
You have to scratch all points till December 25.

Don't forget scratching every day!!

How to play Ameba Pigg

Last Christmas, I gave you my heart ... 音譜

☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*

Updated on November 29


◎ Coupon
★ ホワイトクリスマスの床 Floor of White Christmas
▲ ホワイトクリスマスの窓 Window of White Christmas
■ 赤レンガのクリスマスの壁 Christmas's Wall of Red Brick
● サンタのなりきりソックス Santa Claus's Sox

How to play Ameba Pigg How to play Ameba Pigg
How to play Ameba Pigg How to play Ameba Pigg

How to play Ameba Pigg

How to play Ameba Pigg

How to play Ameba Pigg

How to play Ameba Pigg

Hi, friends!!

New scratch card was added November 1.

This is... 

音楽2Ver. (music edition part II scratch card).

アメーバピグ スタッフブログ

Let's scratch!!
This card is an indefinite period!!


◎ Coupon
★ 幸せを呼ぶ七色のオカリナ Ocarina
▲ 幸せを呼ぶ七色の木琴ばち Stick of Xylophone
■ 幸せを呼ぶ七色のトランペット Trumpet
● 幸せを呼ぶ七色のウクレレ Ukulele

How to play Ameba Pigg How to play Ameba Pigg
How to play Ameba Pigg How to play Ameba Pigg

How to play Ameba Pigg How to play Ameba Pigg
How to play Ameba Pigg How to play Ameba Pigg

☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*

Updated on November 26

How to play Ameba Pigg

This is the complete item

How to play Ameba Pigg

Hi, friends!!

Are you good at fishing gameはてなマーク
Very difficult fishing area is added today.

アメーバピグ スタッフブログ


How to play Ameba Pigg

日本海 超遠洋(超上級) Nihonkai Cho-enyo (Cho jokyu)
Nihonkai Super Expert level

You see this message at the first time.

How to play Ameba Pigg

This message is way to enter this area.
This message means the way to enter this area.


1, You should catch over 9 kinds of fish at the expert level.

How to play Ameba Pigg

This is the databook of expert level.
You should catch over 9 kinds of them.

2, You should wear the specific cloth.

You should wear the specific cloth.

for male

How to play Ameba Pigg

for female

How to play Ameba Pigg

These clothes are sold at fisherman's market.

アメーバピグ スタッフブログ

How to play Ameba Pigg

How to play Ameba Pigg

This cloth is very expensive....

Do you want to goはてなマーク