blog in English | 徒然なるままに

blog in English

Today, I'd like to write a blog entry in English.

The aim is improving my ability of English, especially of practical use of English.

Perhaps, there are grammatical errors, misspells and unnatural expressions.

Any advices are welcome because they'll help improve my ablity of English.

But, I do not think of what to write.

Since my English ability is poor, the breadth of expression is limited, so I hardly think of what to write.


Okay, I recall what I did today.

I got up at 11 o'clock in the morning, really late in the morning, the time I waked up was about 10 o'clock, though.

This means I enjoyed the time in my warm futon about an hour from 10 to 11.

Well, my morning today was really late at any rate.

After taking brunch, I go to campus in Komaba.

Today, all the classes that I take are held in the afternoon.

The subject of 3rd period was physical chemistry.

It was boring for me and too difficult to understand.

I felt sick to see formulas and equations all over the blackboard!!!

For me, these formulas and equations are nothing more than the languages of creature from outer space.

I was really disgusted.

The subject of 4th period was English(C).

I watched a DVD of a documentary film about Mexican illegal immigrants in Los Angeles in USA.

The woman of the Mexican family in the DVD was so beautiful that I could not help sympathize with them.

The subject of 5th period was educational psychology.

It was amusing and suitable for the last lecture of one week.

After the classes, I attended a meeting of my circle.

I was given a chance to talk to a international student from Austria in Europe in English.

I strongly felt that my English skill is far from enough.

I wished if I were a good English speaker...

Wow, I did write a lot in English!

It is since the ALESS(name of a class of my university) assignment to write such long in English!

...I got tired.

It is tough work to write a blog entry in English indeed...