




I would like to announce that I will be creating a public youtube channel.
Bilingual OFPOM Channel.
I will periodically (as much as possible…) upload 10 minute lectures, composed of a 5 minute lecture in Japanese and 5 minute lecture in English.

The purpose of this channel is to spread knowledge of Orofacial Pain and Oral Medicine to the world. The content for the English and Japanese sections will be identical, so you just need to watch one video if you are just interested in the content of the video. However, if you are interested in studying English or Japanese and their respective medical terms, it may be helpful to watch both of these sections.

I will try to keep the topics specific and the length of the lectures less than 10 minutes, so they can be seen during a short break in your busy schedule. I will make the slides tablet and smartphone friendly, not using too many words and instead using lots of images and photos so that they can easily be seen on a small screen.

If you are interested, please remember to subscribe. It will be a good benchmark for me to see how many people are viewing the video, as well as good motivation for me to keep updating the channel.

Thank you and I hope you enjoy my videos.











In the beginning of March, I was invited to Osaka University School of Dentistry to give a lecture at a seminar hosted by the Japanese Society of Orofacial Pain. The society requested me to demonstrate and train attendees on how to perform a "Cranial Nerve Exam."

At the Orofacial Pain and Oral Medicine Center at the University of Southern California, a cranial nerve exam is performed when a patient presents any type of neuropathic pain, headache, or atypical pain.

As orofacial pain and oral medicine specialists, the main cranial nerves affected by the diseases we manage are trigeminal nerve, facial nerve, glossopharyngeal nerve, vagus nerve, accessory nerve, and hypoglossal nerve. However, diseases damaging or deriving from those nerves may present symptoms in different cranial nerves.

For example, a patient with symptoms like trigeminal neuralgia may have acoustic neuroma. A patient with primary headaches, like migraine or tension type headache, may have an underlying intracranial disease, causing secondary headaches.

A cranial nerve exam is effective in detecting these underlying diseases. It can serve as a factor to decide wither to refer the patient to a neurologist or neurosurgeon, or whether to take a CT/MRI or not.

The cranial nerve exam we perform is just a screening exam, and not a diagnostic exam to diagnose and determine a treatment plan. It is a quick exam, just like when an ENT doctor (otolaryngologists) or family doctor takes a look inside your mouth, and advises you to go see a dentist when they detect any obvious decay or periodontal disease, or when you tell them you have a toothache or jaw pain. The screening exam should not be complicated or time consuming that it takes away the time you need for your own examination. A cranial exam is a quick exam that takes less than 3 minutes once you get familiar with it.

In my past experience, there was a patient who presented trigeminal neuralgia-like symptoms. When I performed a cranial exam, the patient lacked sensation in the face in a wide range. MRI revealed findings of multiple sclerosis and not trigeminal neuralgia. Another patient who was presented to the clinic reported TMD symptoms. However, the clinical findings did not match the common presentations of TMD. When I performed a cranial nerve exam, the person had diminished hearing on one side. I referred the patient to an ENT doctor and as a result, perforation of the ear drum and an ear infection was discovered.

As indicated in the previous paragraph, sometimes a patient presented to your clinic may have an underlying disease that is out of the scope of your specialty. I believe that a "true specialist" is someone who can sense when their patient does not fall under the scope of their field, and makes the right decision of referring the patient to a proper specialist.

















Correct treatment is not possible without correct diagnosis. To diagnose is the initial step of treatment, as well as the most important step. However, the importance of diagnosis is often underestimated in the field of dentistry. If your symptoms do not improve after receiving multiple treatments, it may be because the treatment is based on incorrect diagnosis.


To diagnose is to define the disease that is causing your symptoms. One thing I would like you to understand is that disease = diagnosis, but symptom diagnosis. A toothache is only a symptom, and not a diagnosis. The same can be said for "sound from the joint" or "cannot open mouth wide." Many dentists tend to treat the patient's symptom instead of the disease, however.


The symptom is only a small element of the disease. There are a few unique or characteristic symptoms that sometimes may signal the symptom = diagnosis. However, the majority of symptoms are common features of many diseases.

For example, let's take the symptom of headache. Headache can occur in many diseases, such as subarachnoid hemorrhage, the flu, excessive tension in the neck, migraine, and so on. As you can see, "symptom" is not always synonymous with "diagnosis."


There is a problem when you try to treat the "symptom" and not "disease." You don't have to work in the medical field to guess that subarachnoid hemorrhage, flu, tension in the neck, and migraine each should be treated differently. To provide proper treatment, first you have to properly diagnose the condition from the symptoms. Then, treatment is initiated based on the diagnosis.


A "toothache" is also only a symptom and not a diagnosis. Caries or periodontal disease are not the only cause of a toothache. It can also be caused by a cracked tooth, inflammation in the ligament surrounding a tooth, pain from the muscles used to bite,  pain in the TMJ, or even from a dysfunction in the nerve which transmits pain signals to the brain.


To name multiple diseases from presented symptoms is called differential diagnosis. After naming differential diagnosis, additional tests are run to narrow down the list, in order to ultimately come up with a final diagnosis.  A good clinician is someone who has broad knowledge and can name as many differential diagnosis as possible. Of course, it is important to have skills in treatment, but if you cannot diagnose correctly, that skill means nothing at all. Therefore, without correct diagnosis, there is no correct treatment. If there is no improvement in your symptoms after multiple treatments, then you may have to go back and re-consider the diagnosis.








海外に目を向けるとプレゼンテーション、パブリックスピーキングの教育は、幼稚園から大学を卒業するまでの間で様々なカリキュラムに組み込まれています。幼い頃から始めるShow & Tellや、小中学校でのプロジェクトの発表、さらには本格的なプレゼンの技法を学ぶためのクラスまであり、これらのスキルを学び、練習し、実践する機会に溢れています。プレゼンのスキルは全体的に高くなるのは当然の事だと思います。




Spark Medical Presentation Workshopは、幅広い意味での「医療関係者」を対象としたプレゼンテーションスキルのワークショップです。ここは、プレゼンの内容ではなく、人の前で話す時(パブリックスピーキング)の表現力やメッセージ性を高めるための練習を行う、道場のような場所です。




Spark Medical Presentation Workshopの詳細については、ホームページをご覧ください。



Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sparkmeds (気に入った方は、いいね!をお願いします。)

Email: info@spark-med.com



Do you have a fear of giving presentations or speaking in front of an audience?

Have you ever felt as though your peers or students may not have fully understood your research presentation or lesson?

Have you ever wondered how much your patients actually comprehend your explanations on their condition and treatment?


You are definitely not the only one.


Outside of Japan, students often receive training on public speaking from a young age and all throughout high school, and in college and universities. In kindergarten, there is show-and-tell, in elementary, presenting school projects, and in higher education, there are often classes dedicated to giving presentations and speaking in front of an audience. There are many opportunities to learn, practice and actually use public speaking skills while at school. It's no wonder that presentation skills tend to be better in foreign countries.


Unfortunately, such training is hardly offered in Japanese K-12 education. At medical and co-medical universities, the curriculum is often purely focused on knowledge and skills, especially with the ultimate goal being to pass the medical board exam. There are hardly any classes dedicated to presentation and public speaking skills. Of course, acquiring knowledge and skills related to the field is extremely important. However, upon graduating college, many find that they lack in presentation skills. Presentation skills are vital daily even in the medical field, whether it is to present your research finding to your colleagues, or in the clinic while communicating with your patients.


Spark Medical Presentation Workshop targets those who are in or related to the medical field. It is like a gym, providing training in presentation and public speaking. The focus is on improving on "how" to speak, not "what" to speak. The goal is to improve expression and to communicate a "message" in the speech.

Think about when you practice sports or a musical instrument. You can improve by practicing on your own, of course, but you can improve dramatically when you practice with a coach and receive feedback.

We do not expect everyone who practices at Spark Medical to present in the exact same manner. Through training, we bring out each person's unique skill and individuality. Each person will leave not necessarily with the same skill set, as each person will improve in their own way. This is what makes our workshop unique - it is like a workout gym, and not a class.


To find out more, please visit our website. If you are interested in participating in the workshop or have any questions, feel free to contact us via email.


Official Website: http://spark-med.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sparkmeds (please "Like" us!)

Email: info@spark-med.com






2013年6月いっぱいで、USC Orofacial Pain and Oral Medicine CenterでのResidency Programを修了しました。修了後1週間で帰国し、帰国後わずか3日で、父が院長であるアンドウ歯科クリニックで勤務を開始しました。それ以後、口腔顔面痛・口腔内科センターをアンドウ歯科クリニックに併設するために奔走してまいりました。現時点で、日本にわずか6人しかいない米国口腔顔面痛学会専門医である私と、歯科医師として臨床経験30年を超える父の二人で力を合わせて診療を行う事で、患者さんの悩みを的確に診断し、その人個人に最も適した治療を行う事ができる、優れたチームであると自負しております。






歯科関係の活動の他にも、ブログを更新できない程忙しくなっていた理由があります。Spark Medical Presentation Workshopという、ワークショップのグループを設立いたしました。広い意味での「医療関係者」を対象とした、プレゼンテーション・パブリックスピーキングのスキルを磨くためのワークショップです。これに関しては、別件でブログの投稿をしたいと思いますので、ここではあまり触れないでおきます。




アンドウ歯科クリニック<口腔顔面痛・口腔内科センター>と、Spark Medical Presentation Workshopの詳細を知りたい方は、下記のリンクをご参照ください。



公式ホームページ: http://ando-dental.tokyo.jp

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AndoDentalClinic


Spark Medical Presentation Workshop

公式ホームページ: http://spark-med.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sparkmeds



I haven't updated my blog for nearly 7 months! I'm glad that my New Year's resolution for 2013 was not "to update my blog more often." This time though, I think I have a decent reason for not updating my blog for so long. Today, I will write this post to give an update on my recent happenings.


I completed my residency program at USC Orofacial Pain and Oral Medicine Center at the end of June 2013. Just a week after completing the program, I was already on a flight back to Japan. Not only that, I started to work at Ando Dental Clinic in Tokyo, owned by my father, 3 days after my arrival. From then on, I have been building the foundation for the Orofacial Pain and Oral Medicine Center as part of Ando Dental Clinic. I am currently one of only six orofacial pain specialists in all of Japan, accredited by ABOP (American Board of Orofacial Pain). My father, who has more than 30 years of clinical experience, and I feel that we are a great team to properly diagnose the patient's problem/condition and provide them with the most suited treatment.


The dean of Showa University School of Dentistry welcomed me as a Visiting Associate Professor. I currently see patients and teach students on rotation for a half day every Tuesday and Friday, at Showa University Dental Hospital. It was a great honor to have been offered this position by the university, because it is extremely rare in Japan to become a visiting associate professor at the age of 28.


Since I came back to Japan, I have lectured at Showa University, Nihon University, and Keio University. I also gave a lecture at a seminar hosted by the Japanese Society of Orofacial Pain. This year, I am scheduled to give lectures at Nihon University and Osaka University. At the end of the year, I will give a lecture at the meeting of the Japanese Society of Prosthodontics, Tokyo division.


There is one more thing that kept me busy (another reason for not updating my blog…). I established Spark Medical Presentation Workshop, which targets anyone involved in the medical field, to practice and improve presentation and public speaking skills. This deserves a separate post on its own, so I will not mention any further details regarding Spark Medical Presentation Workshop here.


I think that's pretty much what has been keeping me busy the past 7 months. Maybe this year my New Year's resolution should be "to update my blog more often."


To find out more about Ando Dental Clinic -Orofacial Pain and Oral Medicine Center- or Spark Medical Presentation Workshop, please visit the following websites.


Ando Dental Clinic - Orofacial Pain and Oral Medicine Center-

Official Website: http://ando-dental.tokyo.jp

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AndoDentalClinic


Spark Medical Presentation Workshop

Official Website: http://spark-med.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sparkmeds




累計患者数 201人

口腔顔面痛クリニック (Orofacial Pain Clinic): 137

口腔内科クリニック (Oral Medicine Clinic): 64


累計診療回数 424回

口腔顔面痛クリニック (Orofacial Pain Clinic): 297

口腔内科クリニック (Oral Medicine Clinic): 127


ローテーション 1082症例

高齢者アセスメントプログラム (Geriatric Assessment Program): 5

USC ペインセンター (USC Pain Center): 126

USC 神経内科クリニック (USC Neurology Clinic): 161

Cedars Sinai ペインセンター (Ceders Sinai The Pain Center): 240

USC 理学療法クリニック (USC Physical Therapy Clinic): 20

USC 耳鼻咽喉科、頭頸部外科 (USC Department of Otolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery): 360

USC 膠原病科 (USC Department of Rheumatology): 110

USC 口腔内科クリニック (Oral Medicine Clinic): 60


口腔顔面痛クリニック (Orofacial Pain Clinic) 詳細



筋痛 (Localized Myalgia): 53症例

筋・筋膜性痛 (Myofascial Pain): 53症例

関節円板前方転移(復位を伴う)(Disc Derangement with reduction): 36症例

関節円板前方転移(復位を伴わない)(Disc Derangement without reduction): 8症例

関節包炎 (Capsulitis): 46症例

関節炎(骨性、リウマチ性)(Arthritis (Osteo/Rheumatoid)): 19症例

閉塞性睡眠時無呼吸症候群 (Obstructive Sleep Apnea): 3症例

咀嚼筋拘縮 (Contracture of Masticatory Muscles): 6症例

三叉神経痛 (Trigeminal Neuralgia): 6症例

神経障害性疼痛 (Trigeminal Neuropathy): 18症例

筋スパスム (Trismus/Spasm): 8症例

スプリントによる咬合異常 (Splint induced malocclusion): 3症例

三叉神経感覚異常 (Trigeminal Dysesthesia): 2症例

顎関節癒着 (TMJ ankylosis): 2症例

発作性偏頭痛(オーラを伴うもの・伴わないもの)(Episodic Migraine with or without aura): 16症例

慢性偏頭痛 (Chronic Migraine): 7症例

発作性緊張性頭痛 (Episodic TTH): 8症例

慢性緊張性頭痛 (Chronic TTH): 10症例

後頭神経痛・頸部原性頭痛 (Occipital Neuralgia / cervicogenic headache): 4症例

後外傷性頭痛 (Post-traumatic Headache): 2症例

発作性群発性頭痛 (Episodic Cluster Headache): 1症例

薬剤過剰摂取性頭痛 (MOH): 5症例

ベル麻痺 (Bell's Palsy): 1症例

唾液腺炎 (Sialadenitis): 2症例

シェーグレン症候群 (Sjogren Syndrome): 1症例

地図状舌 (Geographic Tongue): 1症例

後ヘルペス性神経痛 (Post herpetic neuralgia): 1症例

光線口唇炎 (Actinic Cheilitis): 1症例

舌痛症 (BMS): 2症例

スプリント原性咬合不全 (Splint Induced Malocclusion): 1症例

口腔カンジダ症 (Candidiasis): 1症例

口腔ジスキネジア (Orofacial Dyskinesia): 1症例

歯牙破折 (Tooth Fracture): 1症例


理学療法 (Office Based Physical Therapy): 93症例

スプリント療法 (Stabilization Splint): 15症例

ステント療法 (Neurosensory stent): 6症例

発痛点注射 (Trigger Point Injection): 26症例

関節腔内注射 (Joint Injection): 6症例

下顎前方位デバイス (Mandibular Advancement Device): 3症例

矯正前顎関節診査 (Ortho clearance): 14症例 

口腔内科クリニック (Oral Medicine Clinic) 64人



薬剤関連顎骨壊死 (BONJ): 6症例

下顎骨骨髄炎 (Osteomyelitis): 1症例

口腔カンジダ症 (Candidiasis): 5症例

嚢胞性病変 (Cyst): 9症例

前癌病変 (Premalignant Lesion): 4症例

良性腫瘍 (Tumor (benign)): 6症例

悪性腫瘍 (Tumor (malignant)): 5症例

炎症性・自己免疫性疾患 (Inflammatory/Autoimmune): 18症例

Good's 症候群 (Good's Syndrome): 1症例

腫瘍随伴性天疱瘡 (Paraneoplastic Pemphigus): 1症例

突発性骨硬化 (Idiopathic Osteosclerosis): 3症例

色素沈着 (Hyperpigmentation): 2症例

過角化性病変 (Hyperkeratosis): 4症例

地図状舌 (Geographic Tongue): 1症例

フォルダイス斑 (Fordyce's Granules): 1症例

舌痛症 (BMS): 1症例

放射線性顎骨壊死 (Osteoradionecrosis): 1症例

薬剤性歯肉過形成症 (Medication Induced Gingival Hyerplasia): 1症例

急性壊死性潰瘍性歯周炎 (ANUP): 1症例



生検 (Biopsy): 19症例

顎骨内 (Intraosseous): 3症例

摘出 (Excisional): 7症例

部分生検 (Incisional): 9症例

骨柩除去 (Sequestrectomy): 1症例


ガン告知 (Presenting Diagnosis of Devastating Disease): 5症例



Year 2 was approximately 30 clinic days shorter in OFP and OM Clinic than the 1st year due to rotations and supervising online residents visiting USC.


Total Visits

OFP: 297 cases

OM: 127 cases

Total: 424 cases



Geriatric Assessment Program 5

USC Pain Center 126

USC Neurology Clinic 161

Ceders Sinai The Pain Center 240

USC Physical Therapy Clinic 20

USC Department of Otolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery 360

USC Department of Rheumatology 110

Oral Medicine Clinic 60

Total: 1,082 cases




Pts: 137

Visits: 297


Capsulitis 46

Myalgia 53



MFP 53

Arthritis (Osteo/Rheumatoid) 19


Trigeminal Neuralgia 6

Trigeminal Neuropathy 18


Masticatory muscle contracture 1

Splint induced malocclusion 3


Trigeminal Dysesthesia 2

TMJ ankylosis 2

Neuroma 1

Tendonitis 2


Episodic Migraine with or without aura 16

Chronic Migraine 7

Episodic TTH 8

Chronic TTH 10

Occipital Neuralgia / cervicogenic headache 4

Post-traumatic Headache 2

Episodic Cluster Headache 1


Bell's Palsy 1

Sialadenitis 2

Sjogren Syndrome 1

Geographic Tongue 1

Post herpetic neuralgia 1

Actinic Cheilitis 1


Splint induced malocclusion 1

Candidiasis 1

Orofacial Dyskinesia 1

Tooth Fracture 1


Physical Therapy (Spray and Stretch, Moist Heat) 93

Stabilization Splint 15

Neurosensory stent 6

Trigger Point Injection 26

Joint Injection 6


Ortho clearance 14




Patients: 64

Visits: 127



Osteomyelitis 1

Candidiasis 5

Cyst 9

Traumatic Ulceration 1

Premalignant lesion 4

Tumor (benign) 6

Tumor (malignant) 5

Inflammatory/Autoimmune 18

Good's Syndrome 1

Idiopathic osteosclerosis 3

Pigmentation 2

Keratosis 4

Geographic Tongue 1

Fordyce's granules 1

Burning mouth syndrome 1

Osteoradionecrosis 1

Meidcation induced gingival hyperplasia 1




Minor surgery

Biopsy 19

Intrabony 3

Excisional 7

Incisional 9

Devastating Dx 5

Sequestrectomy/alveolarplasty 1








第二位:Wild Card Boxing Gymでのトレーニング。2年間、たらふくハンバーガーを食べ、ビールもいっぱい飲んだけど、体重は来る前と変わりませんでした!





#5: Unhealthy, humongous, fatty burgers that make you regret eating for the next few days, but will make you feel like you're in heaven while you're eating.


#4: Cheap, but awesome Mexican food. You just cannot find that in Japan.


#3: The weather. Nobody complains about the weather in LA.


#2: Working-out at Wild Card Boxing Gym. Simply the best boxing gym. They kept me in shape even though I ate a whole bunch of burgers and drank lots of beer for the past 2 years...


#1: The people… I will miss everyone at our clinic, including the patients, faculty, residents in other departments, dental students, and all of my non-dental related friends!


Thanks to everyone for a wonderful two years!

今月いっぱいで、USCでのプログラム修了となります。2年間で400人を超える患者さんの診療に当たり、数百の論文を読み、数えきれない程のプレゼンテーションを行いました。American Board of Orofacial Pain(米国口腔顔面痛学会) American Board of Oral Medicine(米国口腔内科学会) の二つの学会の試験も無事合格し、2年間で受けられる3つのテストに全て合格しました。American Board of Orofacial Pain は、プログラム修了前にDiplomate(認定医)となる事もできました。とても忙しい2年間でしたが、実りのある2年間だったと感じます。



At the end of this month, my 2 years in the residency program at USC is coming to an end. In these 2 years, I saw over 400 patients, read hundreds of articles, and made countless numbers of presentations. I successfully passed three board exams of American Board of Orofacial Pain and American Board of Oral Medicine, which is the maximum you can achieve within two years. I was able to become a diplomate of ABOP during my residency. It was an extremely busy 2 years, but at the same time, it was a very successful two years.

It is hard to say goodbye to all the faculty who guided me, the staff who worked with me, and the patients I've seen. Now I am going back to Japan and it is time to apply what I have learnt here for patients in Japan. I would like to contribute clinically, as well as in the development of orofacial pain and oral medicine in Japan. And in the near future, I would like to address all of Asia, not just limited to Japan.




Your neck pain improved after a dental treatment. You thought you had a toothache, but you were told that you have TMD. Have you ever experienced anything like this?

Pain signals from the head and neck region enter the same area of brainstem to be transferred to the brain. Sometimes the brain misinterprets the signal coming from A, as a signal coming from B. This is called referred pain. When this happens, the source of pain may be at A, but the site of pain may actually be at B. A characteristic of this referred pain is that when you stimulate B, the pain does not change. However, when you stimulate A, the pain at B increases. In a case like this, when you examine B, you may not see any abnormality. You may have to get a more thorough examination to find out where the pain really is coming from. It is tricky, but not impossible. When you have pain and the doctor finds no abnormality, don’t try to convince them to treat that site. You have to consider referred pain from another origin.



筋膜性疼痛の診断基準は、trigger pointtaut band の二つを有する事。Taut band とは、触診で触れるコリコリとしたスジのことです。Trigger point とは、関連痛を引き起こすポイントの事。つまり、スジを数秒間継続して押すと、ジワーっと広がる痛み、これがある事です。





Myofascial pain is a pain derived from fascia of the muscle fibers. If you have neck pain, go ahead and palpate your neck/shoulder muscles with your fingers. You will find a tight band of muscles, just like a knot. When you press on that knot for few seconds, you may feel that your pain radiates and does not necessarily stay in the spot you are pressing. You may feel that the pain spreads to areas other than your neck/shoulder. It may also feel very good and relaxing when you apply pressure and massage that knot. (Please be careful not to massage with too much pressure…)

To diagnose myofascial pain, we basically look for two things: the taut band and trigger point. The taut band is that tight band of muscle that feels like a knot. The trigger point is the point that causes a referred pain, in other words, the radiating pain or spreading of pain to different areas, other then the spot you are pressing.

Normally, we see myofascial pain in bigger muscles like the shoulders, but we also see this frequently in masticatory muscles (muscles you use to bite) such as masseter muscles and temporalis muscles. Pain referring from these muscles may cause a pain sensation in your ear or sometimes even in your tooth. Myofascial pain in your jaw muscles may also cause limitation of mouth opening.

When you have neck pain, it feels good to stretch, take a long bath, or massage it. The same goes for jaw muscles. The best treatment for myofascial pain is to increase blood circulation to the muscles. That is why physical therapy, such as thermal therapy and stretching, are very helpful for this condition.