






Therapy for TMD is very different from filling a cavity. When you have  a cavity, you can simply remove the infected structure and pack it with replacing material or make a crown. Besides opening their mouth, the patient does not have to get involved in the process of treatment. Their pain is usually alleviated when the treatment is completed. They do, of course, have to make an effort not to have a recurrence.

To treat TMD, you cannot remove the painful muscle or bone, and replace it with a new one. Just like pain in any other joints of your body, it does not go away immediately, and it is likely to come back at some point in your life. It is not hard to temporarily alleviate the pain with an injection or medications, but the symptom normally wax and wanes because the causes of pain (such as lifestyle, diet, bruxism, clenching) are hard to approach.

Physical therapy is very effective in treating TMD. It may sound fancy, but simply put, it is just a stretching exercise and thermal therapy. It is simple enough to do by yourself, no matter where you are and what you are doing, at home or in the office.

To me, treatment of TMD is to help patients get through the acute phase and teach them how to manage their symptoms on their own. It also involves teaching the mechanism of TMD so that they can prevent it from recurring. By doing so, it is unlikely to recur and even if it does, patients know how to treat themselves, so their symptoms will not get bad to the point that they need to come to our clinic for treatment again. When you have a minor flare up of neck or back pain, you don't go see a physician immediately, right? This is because you know how to manage the pain, and the same can be said for TMD.

When patients find it hard to comply with home-based physical therapy or their symptoms do not improve with it, we can also refer the patient to a physical therapist. Physical therapists are very important partners for the treatment of TMD.



オンラインレジデント達は、皆バリバリの現役開業医です。歯科医師としての臨床経験は皆の方が経験豊富で、指導するどころか、教えてもらう所の方が多いんだろうと思います。しかし、Orofacial Pain Oral Medicine の知識と診療経験では負けませんし、指導できる点も多々あると思います。彼らレジデント達がそれぞれのクリニックで、orofacial pain oral medicine の診療ができるように、少しでも力になれればと思います。



I wrote about our Online Master's Degree Program at USC a while ago. The online residents are required to visit our clinic for 2 weeks in a year for hands-on seminars and examinations. The 20 residents are separated into 2 groups and will spend 2 weeks each in our clinic this month. (Next year, there will be 40 residents: 20 first-years, and 20 second-years.)

Today, the 1st group came to our clinic. I have seen them all through a webcam through our online conferences, but for most of them, it was my first time meeting them in person. It was a very interesting day for me.

The online residents are all well-experienced dentists with their own private practice. They are far more experienced in general dentistry than I am, so there is a lot to learn from them, although I am supposed to be teaching them. However, in the field of orofacial pain and oral medicine, I am confident to say that I am more experienced. I will do my best to help guide them so they will be able to see orofacial pain and oral medicine patients in their own private practice.










Have you ever heard about "Neuropathic Pain" ? Pain can be broadly classified into three categories: somatic pain, psychogenic pain, and neuropathic pain.

There are three basic components of pain. First is the receptor, which recognizes pain; second is the neuron or nerve, which transmits the signal of pain to the brain; last of all is the brain, which interprets the pain. Pain is an alert for "danger" (please refer to my previous blog post "Is pain bad?"), so let's use a fire alarm as an example. The receptor of pain is just like the sensor of a fire alarm, that detects fire or smoke. When these are detected, it sets off lights and sound. This is like a neuron transferring a signal. Finally, this signal is recognized by humans to be interpreted as danger, which is like the brain interpreting pain.

Somatic pain is also called physiologic pain. This is when you have a sufficient reason to feel pain, like an injury or infection. Going back to the example of the fire alarm, this pain is like a fire alarm functioning normally.

Psychogenic pain is pain when you are experiencing pain without a sufficient reason anywhere inside of your body. It is like a person who is paranoid and afraid of fire.

The name neuropathic pain is self explanatory: neuro = nerve, and pathic = pathology. This is a sensation of pain derived from injury or malfunction of the nerve itself. It is like a fire alarm producing light and sound without any evidence of fire or smoke. This may happen from a malfunction of the receptor, or when the alarm is still active after the fire and smoke has been extinguished.

In the orofacial region, phantom tooth pain, burning mouth syndrome, and trigeminal neuralgia are some examples that fall into this category. The tough part about this pain is that the pain is invisible from others. In neuropathic pain, there are no signs of infection or inflammation because it is a condition where the alarm is going off without visible fire or smoke. Examining the site of the pain, such as with X-rays, will not reveal any pathology. Therefore, clinicians ignorant about these conditions may think you are either crazy or making up the pain! Even if they try performing a root canal or even extract the tooth you say is painful, it will not eliminate the pain. Not only do these procedures not help with the pain, but they also have the potential of worsening the pain. If there is a possibility that you may be experiencing this type of pain, it is recommended that you go see an orofacial pain specialist, not a general dentist.







I will finish seeing patients at the USC Orofacial Pain and Oral Medicine Center in about a month. All of the patients I have been seeing will be transferred to our junior residents. This transfer goes very smoothly because our clinic notes are very specific in describing the patient's condition, procedures taken, and further plans.

In our clinic, after the acute symptoms of the patient's chief complaint subsides and stabilizes, we follow-up in about three to six months, depending on the patient's condition. These appointments are managed by the residents by themselves. For the past few months, most of my patients' next appointment fell sometime around June or July. So normally, when I discuss the next appointment with my patient, I introduce the junior resident who will be taking over my case.  I tell them that she is an excellent doctor, and the transfer will go smoothly because all of the patient's conditions, procedures done, and plan are in the note, in detail. Despite this, many patients told me that they want to see me one last time before I leave, and made an earlier appointment in June. My appointments in June are already overflowing!

Looking over my appointments in June, I feel that I was able to do at least some good to patients I've seen here, and it makes me very happy. After going back to Japan, I would like to maximize the experience, knowledge, and technique I gained here, to help patients smile again.

私たちのプログラムは、2つの学会から認定されています。一つはAmerican Board of Orofacial Pain (ABOP)、もう一つはAmerican Board of Oral Medicine (ABOM) です。なので、このプログラムを修了すると、ABOP ABOM 両方の認定医となることが可能です。それぞれの認定医試験に合格すればの話ですが…この認定医試験は毎年1回、それぞれの学会が執り行われると同時に行われます。両方とも、Part 1Part 2の二つの試験に分かれていて、Part 1は筆記試験、Part 2は口頭試問となります。


それぞれ、受験資格が若干異なるため、私は去年 ABOP Part 1を受験し、今年はABOP Part 2 と ABOM Part 1 の2つの試験を受験する事が可能でした。ABOM Part 1 は午前8時から午後5時までの間に8つの科目についての筆記試験を行います。これを午後3時までに終わらせて空港に直行すれば、ABOP Part 2 当日の午前0時頃にオーランドに着くことができるので、理論的には両方の試験を受験することが可能でした。さらに私はAAOMでポスター発表もあったため、オーランドでの試験が終了直後に、また空港に直行してサンアントニオに戻る必要がありました。どちらか片方の試験のみを受験しようかとも考えましたが、同期のレジデントと相談した結果、強行日程で両方の試験を受験する事に決定。


これで、ABOPの試験はPart 1 Part 2 とも両方合格したために、晴れてABOPの認定医となることができました。ABOMPart 2の受験資格は、Part 1終了後18ヶ月以上の継続臨床経験が必要となるために、Part2の受験は早くて2年後となります。2年後は、今回のような辛い旅とならないように祈ります…



Our residency program is accredited by two boards, the American Board of Orofacial Pain (ABOP) and American Board of Oral Medicine (ABOM). Therefore, after completing the program, we are certified to take board exams for both ABOP and ABOM. Board exams are held once every year, in conjunction with their annual meetings. Both exams consist of two parts, the written exam (Part 1) and the oral exam (Part 2).

Normally, the annual meetings of AAOM and AAOP are held a few weeks apart. However, this year they were held at almost the same time. Fortunately, the date of the board exams did not overlap, but they were still back-to-back. The annual meeting of AAOM was in San Antonio, TX and the annual meeting of AAOP was in Orlando, FL, more than 1,000 miles apart, on either side of the Gulf of Mexico.

Certification for taking the board exam is slightly different between ABOP and ABOM, so I already took the ABOP Part 1 last year. This year, I was certified to take ABOP Part 2 and ABOM Part 1. ABOM Part 1 is a written exam that lasts from 8am to 5pm, covering 8 different subjects. By completing this exam by 3pm and heading straight to the airport, I was able to arrive to Orlando at midnight on the day I had to take ABOP Part 2. Immediately after finishing ABOP Part 2, I had to fly back to San Antonio again because I had a poster presentation for AAOM. I considered taking just one exam for this year, but after discussing with my co-resident, we decided to take a chance and challenge ourselves to back-to-back board exams.

Fortunately, everything went smoothly and I was able to complete both exams and the poster presentation. I received the results recently, and I have passed both exams.

Now that I have successfully passed both ABOP exams Part 1 and Part 2, I am officially a diplomate of American Board of Orofacial Pain. In order to take Part 2 of ABOM, you are required to continue clinical practice of Oral Medicine for 18 months after passing Part 1. It will still be 2 more years until I am able to take ABOM Part 2. I hope it will not be as a crazy trip as this year!




Last Friday was USC's 130th Commencement. USC consists of 18 schools and approximately 40,000 students. There is a main graduation ceremony with all schools combined and after this ceremony, we move on to individual graduation ceremonies for our respective schools. The entire campus was packed with over 10,000 graduates and their families and friends.

It was my 5th graduation following kindergarten, elementary, high school, and dental  school. Although it was only 2 years, I am surprised at how much I have accomplished in this short period of time. It was a very dense 2 years for sure.

There is only one commencement day for USC, even though each school has a different academic schedule. What this means is that not all schools have completed their academic program yet. The dental school is one of the schools that continues on, even after graduation. Commencement was a joyous day of festivities, but come Monday, we return to our regular schedules, until the academic year completes at the end of June.

The American Academy of Oral Medicine 67th Annual Meeting に出席しました。

口腔内科の様々な分野テーマにおいて、最高峰、最先端の診療、研究をしている先生方の講演は、とても有意義で勉強になりました。また、同じ分野に情熱を注いでいる多くの方々と情報や意見を交換し、さらには他のOral Medicine residency programに在籍しているresidentsとの交流をしたり、とても実りの多い4日間でした。


I attended the 67th Annual Meeting of The American Academy of Oral Medicine in San Antonio, TX.

Many clinicians and researchers with cutting-edge knowledge and techniques presented at this meeting. Everyone at the meeting shared their passion in Oral Medicine and we exchanged our thoughts and opinions. It was very nice to be able to meet and socialize with people who practice oral medicine in different parts of the world. I was also able to meet many other oral medicine residents from all over the US, which was very valuable for me. It was a wonderful 4 days with many achievements.

Yahoo! のニュースに、睡眠時無呼吸症候群が取り上げられていましたね。




日中の眠気は、不眠症、ナルコレプシー、RLS (脚むずむず症候群)Central Sleep Apnea (中枢性無呼吸症候群)などによっても起こりますので、すぐに閉塞性睡眠時無呼吸症候群と決めつけてはいけません。診断には、Sleep Studyが必要です。CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure)による治療が一番有効とされていますが、不便さと不快感から、この装置の使用を嫌がる方も少なくありません。その場合は、マウスピースによる治療が有効です。しかし、CPAPほどの有効性は無いので注意してください。適応は、軽度から中等度の閉塞性睡眠時無呼吸症候群とされています。このマウスピースは、顎を前方に出したままの状態にする装置なので、顎関節症の誘発、悪化、そして噛み合わせの変化などの副作用が出る場合があります。なので、この装置に関する専門的知識がある歯科医師に作ってもらう事をお勧めします。また、これらの副作用が起こっていないかどうか確認するために、最低でも年に一度、定期検査に通う事が大切です。

The chief complaint of a patient with Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is usually "excessive daytime sleepiness." However, sleepiness is not the only problem OSA causes your body.

In a patient with OSA, breathing completely stops for a few seconds due to obstruction of the airway, usually at the nose, soft palate, or base of the tongue. When this happens, the body runs out of oxygen. The body, sensing danger, will arouse your brain from deep sleep to a lighter sleep. The brain will then move your body to open up the airway, so that you can to breath in and take in oxygen. This happens many times while you're at sleep. Consequently, your body will not be able to get good quality sleep, and even if you sleep for a sufficient amount of time, you will still be sleepy during the day.

Other than just sleepiness, the fact that your body runs out of oxygen frequently will eventually do some damage to your body. SpO2 is used to measure the amount of oxygen in your body. It can be measured by a simple clip that goes on your fingertip. Normally, in a healthy individual, it ranges from 96% to 99%. It is actually pretty hard to lower this value. By holding my breath, I was only able to bring this value down to 94%. However, for patients with OSA, this value can go down to the low 90s, or even as low as the 80s. This will eventually cause atherosclerosis and hypertension.

Daytime excessive sleepiness can happen from insomnia, narcolepsy, restless leg syndrome, central sleep apnea, and so on, as well. Therefore, excessive sleepiness during the day does not mean that you have OSA. You will need a "Sleep Study" in order to have a definitive diagnosis of OSA. Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is considered to be the gold standard treatment for OSA. However, not many people like to use this devise because of inconvenience and discomfort. In that case, a mouth piece is an alternative choice of treatment. This device is designed to keep your jaw in a forward position, so it can potentially develop or aggravate TMD, or change your bite. Therefore, I recommend having this fabricated by a dentist who is experienced in treating OSA. I also recommend visiting your dentist for a follow-up, at least once a year to check for unfavorable side effects from the device.






I had a rotation today at the Physical Therapy center at USC. I have been there every Monday this past month, to observe physical therapy. Physical therapists are a very important and valuable partner in the management of TMD and post-surgical rehabilitation of head and neck cancer. They also have a vital role in the management of headaches.

I have prescribed physical therapy for many of my patients. However, we rely on the physical therapist to plan the specific treatment program, similar to the way if, for example, doctors refer patients to us for dental treatment, they won't instruct to us, "please use this instrument, drill this much, and fill with this filling."

It was a very beneficial experience for me to actually be there and observe what exactly is done. They were very kind and taught me the concept of physical therapy for TMD, headaches, and so on. I hope in Japan, there will be more physical therapists specializing in these fields as well.



口腔顔面痛の治療は、頭痛の治療も診療範囲となります。Neurologist anesthesiologist 等と連携して、患者さんの治療に当たります。

2012年12月8日はAmerican Headache Society (AHS) によるComprehensive Migraine Education Programに参加してきました。テーマは偏頭痛と薬剤乱用頭痛(リバウンド頭痛)の病因や治療法でした。2013年1月25日、26日はHeadache Cooperatives of Ocean Pacific (HCOP) による The 6th Annual HCOP Winter Conference に出席しました。今回のMeetingでは、外傷性頭痛がテーマとなっていました。診療にすぐ役立てることができるような実用的な内容から、基礎研究についての話まで多岐にわたりましたが、とても有意義な時間を過ごすことができました。

It has been a very long time since I last updated my blog.


Treatment of headaches associated with jaw pain is part of our field of orofacial pain. We treat headaches in coordination with neurologists, anesthesiologists, etc.

I attended the "Comprehensive Migraine Education Program" organized by American Headache Society (AHS) on Dec. 8th, 2012. This program focused on the treatment of migraines, with an emphasis on management and the mechanism of medication overuse headache (rebound headache).

The other headache meeting I attended was The 6th Annual HCOP Winter Conference, organized by the Headache Cooperative of the Pacific. This meeting focused on post traumatic headache.

Both of these meetings covered a wide range of knowledge from both research and clinical perspectives. It was a great learning experience for me to attend these meetings.