Monthly A-Blogger Dinner, 今月のA-ブロガーデイナー | 恩田フランシス英樹 の VelVet Society / Hideki Francis Onda's VelVet Society

Monthly A-Blogger Dinner, 今月のA-ブロガーデイナー


写真はコニットの橋本さん。正確に覚えていませんがiPhone アプリ7個、毎週1個販売開始にすると。さすが東大大学院まで出ている方は違う。この会社成長するでしょう。橋本さんのお人柄も+++です。

There was the monthly blog dinner tonight, on stage is Hashimoto san from Conit. A iPhone developer who says he will have 7 applications out in the coming month, amazing.. I think this company will grow, Hashimoto san is a graduate of Tokyo University post graduate school



And outside it is freakin cold, and inside it is like 40deg c, sweating with people. 40 of us crammed into this little room, eating hot hot curry, does not help fat to energy to head conversion in this crowded place. Many are CEOs, programmers and most of all A-Bloggers, top tier people in Japan for web and stuff.


ワイワイガヤガヤ!!!私が聞いて一番心地いい会話が進む。iPhone, Apple, Web, Photo....完全に同期して皆とはなせるのが嬉しい。



Then there is the Stone Paper thing.. As I did at CMG Night with Danny Choo, I won again. Yes, all these events I win something at these web things and NEVER at a Ferrari gathering. Many lost Schumacker signed Ferrari hats.... so sad..

Anyways, I brought nothing, which I felt ashamed. Next time I will bring some stuff. I hope my staff reads this and reminds me to put some stuff together for 40 people.

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Danny Choo

で、何も持っていかない私がジャンケンしてどうするの?Danny ChooのCGM Nightでもパリー船長をジャンケンでもらったし。。。今回はダンボさんのジャンケンでアップルのマウスパッドもらいましたが、元アップル営業本部長のもらえる物では有りません。恥ずかしい、隣の教授に差し上げました。

My winnings, Stupid am I? So all these guys look and laugh at me, former Apple director happy
cause he won a Apple mousepad. So it is given to Professor, who's site I love and visit often.



。。。お わ り。。。 JI ENDO

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