[TRANS] BIGBANG's Oricon Interview 2nd part | LOVE & LOLLIPOP

[TRANS] BIGBANG's Oricon Interview 2nd part


The 1st part is here edited by BBU (=⌒▽⌒=)


BIGBANG 『Pressured!? Opening up about their mindset and thoughts on their new album!』

Starting from "love at first sight" then become lovers…

I: Various types of songs are recorded in the album, so please give comment for each one.

【V.I】「FANTASTIC BABY」is the most energetic song in the album. The costume is of course, we also shoot the music video with fantastic feeling.

【T.O.P】 For this song’s PV , we held a few meetings with everyone, and created the fantastic and crazy atmosphere. The video that comes with the Japan’s version album and the one on YouTube version, are completely different, so I think, if you’re comparing this two, it would be fun.

【V.I】In the song「BLUE」, there’s part in the lyrics. The cold days have ended and now the warm days are coming, this lyric exactly portray BIGBANG’s current situation.

【D-LITE】 For any ordinary love story, it will has a cheerful image like about hoping. This song is a sad song but contains a lovely image instead.

【SOL】 「BAD BOY」is a song composed by our producers CHOICE 37 and G-DRAGON. And I love this song the most in the album. The feeling of the song is like I’m a very bad boy, but my lover is a good girl, and rather than staying with me, I want her to walk away.

【T.O.P】 The contain of the lyrics suits BIGBANG’s current state of mind .They song received a very good response from Korean fans, so I’m really curious how’s the feedback from fans in Japan. Also, this doesn’t mean that BIGBANG is a “BAD BOY”. (laugh)

I: The popular song HaruHaru’s Japanese version is also recorded in this album..

【V.I】 While recording, we were thinking of giving the song as a present to the Japanese fans who have been waiting for us. We included the solo parts, and we also sang with gratitude feelings and put so much emotion.

I: The song 「EGO」is about “love at first sight” ..

【D-LITE】 Yes it is. It’s like I’m trying so hard to appeal myself to the girl I’m falling in love at first sight. But she’s not turning around to look at me. Because of that my pride has wounded, and the song is about that kind of love. I do fall in love at first sight too, but I always end up not become lovers with the girl…

【V.I】 That’s kind of lonely.

【D-LITE】 I always feel lonely, because I can’t confess my true feelings.

【V.I】 For the Korean man, if we love someone, we will straight away go and tell her “I love you”.

【SOL】 But the other members are so shy…

【V.I】 Is it only me? I’m sorry. If it’s me, there’s no time to worry about “What should I do” and all, I’ll immediately say “I love you”. Isn’t that way is much better? Since the girl is also waiting.

【D-LITE】 I’m jealous…

【V.I】 So, the man should just say “I love you, what should I do now” instead.

【D-LITE】 What’s with that “What should I do now”? (laugh)

【V.I】 If the answer is OK, you can say yeay! and be happy about it but if it’s not, you just have to find others..Isn’t that way is alright? “This is ‘BAD BOY’” kind of way!

【T.O.P】 But since you’re honest with your own feeling, I think it’s a GOOD BOY instead.

If everyone could feel our passion and enthusiasm..

I: You guys are always having so much fun even at the backstage.

【SOL】 Different from when we’re on stage, we love to joke and play around with other members. Sometimes, we call it hamburger where V.I will lay down and other members will climb on him, while making some noise.

【V.I】 Since I’m the youngest, I always got bullied, but I feel so happy about it. How to explain it, I feel like “I’m loved” by the others. Am I the ‘masochist’type? No, I’m not masochist, but the ‘very sadist’ type.

I: (laugh) Let’s go back to the album. It seems like G-DRAGON and D-LITE worked together for making the lyrics of「WINGS」. How was it when you’re working together?

【D-LITE】 G-DRAGON created the framework for me, so I just filled in the contains. The lyrics portray how the very tiring days were continuous, but let’s have some fun for today.

【G-DRAGON】 This is my first time working with D-LITE, but I feel that I can see our vision for future, and we had so much fun working together.

I: To G-DRAGON, with the role of a producer, did you face hardship while producing your works?

【G-DRAGON】 Producing music is not made out of struggle. Without an inspiration you can’t create a good song, and also you can’t come out with idea for an album. This time all members have become one, and while playing catch ball, I feel that we’ve created a piece of good drawing. And without suffering too much, we had so much fun working.

I: After this, BIGBANG will have a concert tour, please give some message to the fans.

【T.O.P】 This time, we release an album and announce the tour at the same time. For the stage, Laurieann Gibson (worked with Lady Gaga before) is working together with us as the director and I think we will have a different stage performance this time. I think we will also get to enjoy not only BIGBANG’s music but also personality of each member.

【SOL】 If we’re succeed with this tour, I think BIGBANG will be more upgraded and please look forward for that to happen.

【V.I】 Other than the live tour, from now on we'll also work hard to show the world how great the Asian's music is. Not only in music, but also as a human, we would like to show our charm to all fans. As for this year, we will do concert tour, and we want to appear on variety show too. We really hope that the fans in Japan could feel our passion and enthusiasm.

sc: original article is here

trans by me (marthapido)
unbeta as usual so excuse me for any grammar errors(///∇//)