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(Benjamin Disraeli 英国首相)

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White's Thush (Zoothera dauma) トラツグミ

White's Thrush (Zoothera dauma)  トラツグミ 虎鶫
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野鳥写真日記,ブログ Wild Bird Journal ,Blog

Mandarin Ducks オシドリ

Mandarin Ducks (Aix galericulata) at the pond of Kyoto International Conference Hall,

where COP-3 was held and Kyoto Protcal was adopted in December 1997.
The pond was called "Takaragaike",the back mountain is Hiyeizan, famous for Enryakuji Temple.





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Kyoto International Conference Hall and Pond

where Wild Mandrin ducks flock to spend winter.

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26 Nov. 09

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A symbol of conjugal affection and fidelity 26 November 09

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26 November 09

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26 November 09

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野鳥写真日記,ブログ Wild Bird Journal ,Blog
26 November 09

Oriental Stork 故郷の秋とコウノトリ

Oriental White Stork (Cikonia boyciana) コウノトリ

I came back to my home town, Toyooka City, to attend the elementary school class reunion at Kinosaki Hots Sring. I left home earlier and stopped by Hyogo Pref. Homeland for Oriental White Stork and observed storks and took photos of them.

The storks, who know the feeding time (3pm each day), return the homeland to feed on.

Nature environment can not yet support all storks living in the wild.

Some of them come back home at the feeding time.

When I was a schoolboy, I had often seen white storks on my way to school.

However they became extinct due to the agricultural chemicals in 1971.

3 pair of storks were introduced in Toyooka from Russia in 1985 and bred in the cages, when the number of storks reached more than 100. some of them were released into the nature in 2005, for the first time.

Incidentally, 5 storks from Toyooka dropped on Yodogawa River in Osaka, the scene was reported on TV and new papers.












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